I am trying to export a plot as an image. My actual plot uses Show to combine a ListPlot and several Plots, with a common legend. The code below is a dummy version that produces the same problem:
Show[Plot[t/25, {t, 10, 50}, PlotRange -> {{10, 45}, {0.4, 1.7}},
PlotStyle -> {{Red}}, LabelStyle -> "Text", Frame -> True,
ImageSize -> {800, 500}]],
Placed[PointLegend[{Red}, {"Model"}, LegendMarkers -> {None},
Joined -> True, LegendFunction -> "Frame"], {0.75,
0.25}]], {Style["Long-ish title to illustrate the point",
"Subsection"], Style["Y axis Label", "Subsubsection"],
Style["X axis label", "Subsubsection"]}, {Top, Left, Bottom},
RotateLabel -> True, ImageMargins -> 5]
It renders just fine within the Mathematica notebook, but when I export it:
The top label starts word-wrapping for some reason, but only in the exported file:
I have tried disabling word wrap in the Format menu, searched for options on text-wrap, changing to a different export format, etc.
What causes the export rendering to be different than the notebook?