Consider setting a custom gridline:
ListPlot[list1, PlotStyle -> White, Filling -> Bottom,
FillingStyle -> Directive[Thick, Red], GridLines -> {None, {0}},
GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Thick, Red]]
The one difference from your picture is that a gridline goes all the way across the plot area. If it is important to you that the horizontal line ends at the extremes of your data set, then the following alternative might be what you want:
ListPlot[list1, PlotStyle -> White, Filling -> Bottom,
FillingStyle -> Directive[Thick, Red],
Epilog -> {Thick, Red, Line[{{-5/4, 0}, {3/4, 0}}]}]
I would note that ListLinePlot
is designed to join the points together; it is equivalent to ListPlot
with the Joined
option set to True
. If you want disjoint points, you need ListPlot
, with the Joined
option set to False
, which is the default.
Filling -> Axis
not do what you want? It's the very first example in theListPlot
documentation. $\endgroup$Line
primitives. Working with graphics primitives in Mathematica is easier than one might imagine. :-)… $\endgroup$