I want to generate two random numbers, $p$ and $q$, between $0.5$ and $1$.
They are connected by the constraint $1/(2q) > p$.
How do I generate $p$ and $q$?
I want to generate two random numbers, $p$ and $q$, between $0.5$ and $1$.
They are connected by the constraint $1/(2q) > p$.
How do I generate $p$ and $q$?
Assuming you just ommitted the parentheses and meant $1/(2q) > p$, then this works
q = RandomReal[{0.5, 1}]
p = RandomReal[{0.5, 1/(2 q)}]
Edit: The above code will generate 2 random numbers that satisfy the given criteria, they won't be sampling the same distribution.
qlist = RandomReal[{0.5, 1.0}, 10000];
plist = RandomReal[{0.5, 1/(2 #)}] & /@ qlist;
ListPlot[ Transpose[{qlist, plist}]]
You see that the first variable samples {0.5,1.0}
uniformly while the other does not. But the inequality is symmetric, and can be written $1/(2p)>q$ so that isn't right. rhermans's answer fixes this, but it runs unreasonably slow on my machine. For example, generating a list of 1000 pairs takes about 100 seconds for me using ImplicitRegion
and RandomPoint
But I can do it in about a tenth of a second using this inelegant code
list2 = Reap[
i = 0;
i < 10001,
test = RandomReal[{0.5, 1.0}, 2];
If[test[[1]] < 1/(test[[2]] 2), i++; Sow[test]];
][[2, 1]]; // AbsoluteTiming
qs = RandomReal[{0.5, 1}, 100];ps = RandomReal[{0.5, 1/(2 #)}] & /@ qs;
Oct 20, 2015 at 12:10
(0.5 < #1 < 1.0 && 0.5 < #2 < 1.0 && #2 < 1/(2 #1)) & @@@ Transpose[{qs, ps}]
This assumes uniform distribution. See answer by @JimBaldwin for discussion on limitations (implicit assumptions) of my answer.
region = ImplicitRegion[0.5 < q < 1. && 0.5 < p < 0.5/q, {p, q}];
(* {0.793318, 0.550934} *)
, ListPlot[RandomPoint[region, 1000], PlotStyle -> Red]
We are using ImplicitRegion
And RandomPoint
list = Table[RandomPoint[region], {1000}]; // AbsoluteTiming
it takes about 100 seconds
The question does not state an essential piece of information which is the joint distribution of $p$ and $q$. All of the previous answers (so far) jump to a solution without making the joint distribution explicit (at least prior to what one sees in the code and the resulting figures).
The answers using regions assume that $p$ and $q$ have uniform distributions, $U(0.5,1)$, but they are restricted to the region $0.5 \le p \le 1$, $0.5 \le q \le 1$, and ${1\over{2q}}>p$.
The other answer given is that $p\sim U(0.5,1)$ and $q|p\sim U(0.5,{1\over{2p}}))$.
There is no reason why one couldn't have $p\sim 0.5+0.5\,\mathrm{Beta}(\alpha,\beta)$ with $q|p\sim U(0.5,{1\over{2p}})$. A random sample from a linear function of a beta random variable is also a legitimate random sample.
The question most likely is about restricting two independent random variables from uniform distributions to a region, but that should be made explicit.
Addition: Doing it the hard way
Using regions and RandomPoint
is the way to go as @rhermans describes (especially if the region of interest is not simple). But if you want to go about it in a brute force way, here is an option.
First we assume that without the additional restrictions that $p$ and $q$ are independently distributed on $U(0.5,1)$. The joint probability density function in the square of interest is
f[p_, q_] := 4
Now determine the joint probability density when $0.5\le p<1/(2q)\le 1$:
c = Integrate[f[p, q], {q, 1/2, 1}, {p, 1/2, 1/(2 q)}];
g[p_, q_] := f[p, q]/c
(* 4/(-1 + Log[4]) *)
Find the marginal probability density function for $p$:
gp[p_] := FullSimplify[Integrate[g[p, q], {q, 1/2, 1/(2 p)}]]
(* 2(1-p)/(p*(-1+Log[4])) *)
Now find the conditional distribution of $q$ given $p$ (which is just a uniform distribution on $0.5$ to $1/(2p)$):
gqGivenp[q_, p_] := g[p, q]/gp[p]
(* 2p/(1-p) *)
Define a ProbabilityDistribution
for $p$:
dp = ProbabilityDistribution[gp[p], {p, 1/2, 1}];
Finally, generate a set of bivariate random samples:
n = 5000; (* Number of samples *)
rp = RandomVariate[dp, n];
rq = 0.5 + RandomReal[1, n]*(1/(2 rp) - 0.5);
Plotting the results we have
ListPlot[Transpose[{rp, rq}], PlotRange -> {{0.5, 1}, {0.5, 1}}, AspectRatio -> 1]
This approach might also be successful when the original joint probability function is a bit more complex.
Perhaps more a comment: note differences:
r = RandomReal[{0.5, 1}, {10000, 2}];
Show[ListPlot[Sort@GatherBy[r, Times @@ # < 0.5 &],
PlotStyle -> {{Red}, Blue}],
Plot[1/(2 x), {x, 0.5, 1}, PlotStyle -> Green], Frame -> True]
compared with:
ListPlot[{#, RandomReal[{0.5, 1/(2 #)}]} & /@
RandomReal[{0.5, 1}, 10000], PlotStyle -> Red, Frame -> True]
Desired outcome depends on aim. Latter understandable given narrowing of uniform distribution of "q" as "p"->1
ListPlot[{RandomReal[{0.5, 1/(2 #)}], #} & /@ RandomReal[{0.5, 1}, 10000], PlotStyle -> Red, Frame -> True]
Here's another approach with RandomVariate
and ProbabilityDistribution
. First we find the area that can be occupied by points satisfying the criteria:
norm = Integrate[Boole[1/(2 y) > x], {x, 1/2, 1}, {y, 1/2, 1}]
(* (Log[4] - 1)/4 *)
Let p
run along the horizontal axis and q
along the vertical axis.
RegionPlot[ImplicitRegion[1 > 1/(2 p) > q > 1/2, {p, q}], PlotRange -> {0, 1}]
Here's the region of allowed values for {p,q}
equal small elements of area from this region must have equal likelihood of being occupied. The area corresponding to a range $(p, p + dp)$ is then simply $\frac{dp}{2 p} - \frac{dp}{2}$. Dividing by $dp$ we'll get the probability distribution of p
. We define a distribution:
dist = ProbabilityDistribution[(1/(2 x) - 1/2)/norm, {x, 1/2, 1}]
which must be normalized (/norm
Plot[PDF[dist, x], {x, 2/5, 6/5}]
Now we generate a list of random p
s with the above distribution:
(p = RandomVariate[dist, 100000]) // AbsoluteTiming // First
(* 0.211 seconds *)
and find a random q
corresponding to the constraint of each of the random p
(q = RandomReal[{.5, 1/(2 #)}] & /@ p) // AbsoluteTiming // First
(* ~ 9 msec *)
Then plot every 100th point (not all of them, otherwise it's difficult to assess if it's uniform or not):
ListPlot[Transpose[{p, q}][[;; ;; 100]]]
This is about 5 times faster than Jasons
Reap-Sow` approach.
Most likely, better results can be achieved by using a proper combination of built-in distribution functions. Unfortunately, RandomVariate
refuses to accept multivariate distributions from ProbabilityDistribution
, which is why there's a generation of first a list of p
s and then a list of q
s, instead of directly generating pairs.
Probably not the most efficient way but
FindInstance[1/(2 q) > p && 0.5 < p < 1 && 0.5 < q < 1, {p, q}, 100,
RandomSeed -> RandomInteger[100]]