You can in fact use Mathematica for rather large eigenvalue problems if they have floating-point entries.
Here is a band-structure calculation in one dimension where the eigensystem of a $40\times 40$ matrix is computed 81 times (at different wave numbers):
h[u_, k_, dim_] := N[
DiagonalMatrix[(k + Range[-dim, dim])^2]
+ Table[u[j - n], {j, -dim, dim}, {n, -dim, dim}]]
bands[u_, k_, dim_, n_] :=
Module[{hamil, max, eigenvalues, eigenvectors},
hamil = h[u, k, dim];
max = Norm[Flatten[hamil]];
{eigenvalues, eigenvectors} =
Eigensystem[hamil - max IdentityMatrix[2 dim + 1], n];
{eigenvalues + max, eigenvectors}
potential[n_] := 1/(n^2 + 1);
l = Table[First[bands[potential, k, 40, 4]], {k, -1, 1, .025}];
ListLinePlot[Transpose[l], DataRange -> {-1, 1}, Frame -> True,
FrameLabel -> {"k", "ℰ"}]
It doesn't take more than about a second to do this calculation.
The important thing is to wrap the matrix in a command such as N
so that the entries are machine-precision numbers that can be handled by the MKL numerical library. Depending on the origin of the matrix, it could also help to wrap the matrix in SparseArray
before doing the eigenvalue computation.
To describe the specific example here: potential
is the Fourier amplitude of a periodic potential, and h
uses it as input to construct the hermitian matrix corresponding to the Hamiltonian in Fourier space. This is then diagonalized with the command bands
for a specific value of the wave number k
. The dimension of the matrix returned by h
can be specified in the third argument (dim
) of h