Imagine I have two populations that I want to test whether they exhibit similar shape distributions. Is there such a function that does this sort of testing already implemented?
I am asking this since one of the assumptions of the Mann-Whitney U test is that both populations to compare exhibit similar shapes. I could compare whether they exhibited similar variance, but this is not what this assumption requires.
For instance, if I have
data1=RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[2, 3], 10^3];
data2=RandomVariate[LaplaceDistribution[1, 2], 10^3];
This function would test whether data1
and data2
exhibit similar shapes. Sorry if this is a very small question.
Edit0: I had posted the following 2 edits before seeing there were two answers that already tackle the main issue here. These two edits are side questions for this thread and should probably be asked elsewhere. Sorry for that.
Edit1: The assumptions indicated in the documentation for MannWhitneyTest[]
indicates MannWhitneyTest assumes that the data is elliptically symmetric about a common spatial median in the multivariate case.
. I wonder if the assumption about the shape of the two populations is not required in this case?
Edit2: Is it possible that LocationTest[{data1,data2},Automatic, "MannWhitney"]
could bypass the issue of sample shape?
The reason why I'm asking these two questions is that the number of tests I'm performing is very large.
KolmogorovSmirnovTest[ data1, EmpiricalDistribution[data2] ]
would work, but apparently it doesn't. $\endgroup$QuantilePlot[data1,data2]
would give you a visual idea (Q-Q plot). straight line for equally distributed sets. $\endgroup$