I have a set of parametric equations in spherical coordinates that supposedly form circle trajectories. See below:
C1 and C2 are constants and beta is some angle, say 15 degrees, or (15/180)*Pi radians.
These are circle trajectories on the surface of a sphere, hence the constant r-component.
My question is this: How do I solve these trajectories and plot them on the surface of a sphere. This is what I have done already:
Step 1:
Solve the coupled differential equation with NDSolve. See below:
Answer = NDSolve[
{theta'[t] == C2*Sin[beta]*Sin[phi[t]],
phi'[t] == (C2*Sin[beta]*Cos[theta[t]]*
Cos[phi[t]]/Sin[theta[t]]) + (C2*Cos[beta]),
theta[tMin] == StartingTheta,
phi[tMin] == StartingPhi},
{theta, phi},
{t, tMin, tMax}];
where I have defined StartingTheta=(45/180)*Pi and StartingPhi=(180/180)*Pi. tMin is 0 and tMax is, say, a 1000.
This will form ONE circle trajectory on the surface of the sphere. Changing StartingTheta will give another circle trajectory and so forth.
Step 2: Create the Sphere. I did that - see below:
sphere = ParametricPlot3D[
{v, 0, 2*Pi},
{u, -Pi/2, Pi/2}];
Step 3:
Evaluate. This is where I am struggling. See below what I have done so far:
Trajectory = ParametricPlot3D[
/. Answer],
{t, tMin, tMax}
At the place where I inserted all the question marks is the problem, I am not sure what form I should be evaluating. I tried a few obvious expressions but I keep getting straight lines.
The next step I suppose is quite easy:
If anybody out there is able to help me with what I should be evaluating in order to plot these circle trajectories on the surface of the sphere, it would be greatly appreciated.
and usephi[t]
in the definition. Then you definephi
and usetheta[t]
in the definition. I am pretty sure you didn't mean that. Take another look and see if you can alter the definitions. Most of the time when we make function definitions we use something liketheta[t_]:=C2*Sin[t]...