I have tried to adapt this answer to my problem of calculating some bosonic commutation relations, but there are still some issues.
The way I'm implementing the commutator is straightforward:
commutator[x_, y_] :=x**y-y**x
Example: if I want to compute $[b^\dagger b,ab^\dagger]$ I write
commutator[BosonC["b"]**BosonA["b"], BosonA["a"]**BosonC["b"]]
and the output is $ab^\dagger$ as it should be. However this fails when I compute $[a^\dagger a,ab^\dagger]$ (which should be $-ab^\dagger)$:
commutator[BosonC["a"]**BosonA["a"], BosonA["a"]**BosonC["b"]]
Out: a†** a^2 ** b†- a ** b†** a†** a
How can I modify the code in this answer to have it work properly?
Building on the answers of @QuantumDot and @evanb, I came up with this solution. First I implement the commutator, with Distribute
NCM[x___] = NonCommutativeMultiply[x];
SetAttributes[commutator, HoldAll]
NCM[] := 1
commutator[NCM[x___], NCM[y___]] := Distribute[NCM[x, y] - NCM[y, x]]
commutator[x_, y_] := Distribute[NCM[x, y] - NCM[y, x]]
Then I implement two tools, one for teaching Mathematica how to swap creation and annihilation operators and one is for operator ordering:
dag[x_] := ToExpression[ToString[x] ~~ "†"]
mode[x_] := With[{x†= dag[x]},
NCM[left___, x, x†, right___] := NCM[left, x†, x, right] + NCM[left, right]]
leftright[L_, R_] := With[{R† = dag[R], L† = dag[L]},
NCM[left___, pr : R | R†, pl : L | L†, right___] := NCM[left, pl, pr, right]]
Now I can use it like this: after evaluating the definitions I input (for instance)
And finally I can evaluate commutators, for instance
commutator[NCM[a†,a] + NCM[b†,b], NCM[a,b†]]
(* 0 *)
or<escape> dg <escape>
$\endgroup$a ** b\[Dagger]
fromcommutator[BosonC["b"]**BosonA["b"], BosonA["a"]**BosonC["b"]]
? $\endgroup$