it's me again. I'm trying to obtain a numerical solution to Navier-Stokes equations in 2D in a non-rectangular region. So far, this guide was very helpful, but he is using finite differences, which is suitable for rectangular and easily parametrizable regions only. My goal was to simulate flow over stationary circle using finite elements method. I started by defining a region:
Needs["NDSolve`FEM`"] (* For using ToElementMesh *)
region = ImplicitRegion[x^2 + y^2 - (1/2)^2 >= 0, {{x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}}];
This region is made of square with a hole in it. Function ToElementMesh
will convert this to set of coordinates:
mesh = ToElementMesh[region, "MaxBoundaryCellMeasure" -> 0.05, "MaxCellMeasure" -> 0.005, "MeshOrder" -> 1];
boundary = ToBoundaryMesh[region, "MaxBoundaryCellMeasure" -> 0.05, "MaxCellMeasure" -> 0.005, "MeshOrder" -> 1];
One can visualise the region with:
The number of coords is:
len = Length[mesh[[1]]
stands for set of {x,y}
grid = mesh[[1]];
We will need Reynolds number:
Rey = 1;
It's necessary to find symbolical expressions for derivatives at discrete points of grid
. At every point of grid
is defined yet unknown value of speed in x direction (vx[i], 1 <= i <= len
), speed in y direction (vy[i], 1 <= i <= len
) and pressure (P[i], 1 <= i <= len
As suggested here I can use some kind of emergency interpolation at every point of grid to obtain function with some reasonable estimate of first and second-order partial derivatives at grid points.
This is list of 6 nearest grid points to selected point (the one of them is the point itself):
Table[neighbour[i] = Nearest[grid, {grid[[i, 1]], grid[[i, 2]]}, 6], {i, 1, len}];
Answer by PlatoManiac suggests quadratic fit:
Table[fit[i][x_, y_] := a6[i] x^2 + a5[i] y^2 + a4[i] x y + a3[i] x + a2[i] y + a1[i], {i, 1, len}];
And this three lines will find coefficients a1[i]-a6[i], 1 <= i <= len
for every grid point:
Table[symbvx[i] = Solve[fit[i] @@@ neighbour[i] == Table[vx[Position[grid, neighbour[i][[j]]][[1, 1]]], {j, 1, 6}], {a1[i], a2[i], a3[i], a4[i], a5[i], a6[i]}], {i, 1, len}];
Table[symbvy[i] = Solve[fit[i] @@@ neighbour[i] == Table[vy[Position[grid, neighbour[i][[j]]][[1, 1]]], {j, 1, 6}], {a1[i], a2[i], a3[i], a4[i], a5[i], a6[i]}], {i, 1, len}];
Table[symbp[i] = Solve[fit[i] @@@ neighbour[i] == Table[P[Position[grid, neighbour[i][[j]]][[1, 1]]], {j, 1, 6}], {a1[i], a2[i], a3[i], a4[i], a5[i], a6[i]}], {i, 1, len}];
Coefficients a1[i] - a6[i] will be some linear expressions of velocities and pressure at grid points.
Calculating gradients and laplacians at grid points is now simple:
Table[gradsvx[i] = Flatten[(D[fit[i][x, y], {{x, y}, 1}]) /. symbvx[i] /. x -> grid[[i, 1]] /. y -> grid[[i, 2]]], {i, 1, len}];
Table[gradsvy[i] = Flatten[(D[fit[i][x, y], {{x, y}, 1}]) /. symbvy[i] /. x -> grid[[i, 1]] /. y -> grid[[i, 2]]], {i, 1, len}];
Table[gradsp[i] = Flatten[(D[fit[i][x, y], {{x, y}, 1}]) /. symbp[i] /. x -> grid[[i, 1]] /. y -> grid[[i, 2]]], {i, 1, len}];
Table[laplacevx[i] = Flatten[(D[fit[i][x, y], {{x, y}, 2}]) /. symbvx[i] /. x -> grid[[i, 1]] /. y -> grid[[i, 2]], 1], {i, 1, len}];
Table[laplacevy[i] = Flatten[(D[fit[i][x, y], {{x, y}, 2}]) /. symbvy[i] /. x -> grid[[i, 1]] /. y -> grid[[i, 2]], 1], {i, 1, len}];
I was interested in following boundary conditions:
bcs1[x_, y_] := Piecewise[{{1., x >= 0.99}, {1., x <= -0.99}, {1., y >= 0.99}, {1., y <= -0.99}, {0., x^2 + y^2 <= (1/2 - 0.01)^2}}];
bcs2[x_, y_] := Piecewise[{{0., x >= 0.99}, {0., x <= -0.99}, {0., y >= 0.99}, {0., y <= -0.99}, {0., x^2 + y^2 <= (1/2 - 0.01)^2}}];
boundaryvx = Table[vx[i] - bcs1[boundary[[1, i, 1]], boundary[[1, i, 2]]] == 0, {i, 1, Length[boundary[[1]]]}];
boundaryvy = Table[vy[i] - bcs2[boundary[[1, i, 1]], boundary[[1, i, 2]]] == 0, {i, 1, Length[boundary[[1]]]}];
boundaryp = {P[1] == 0};
According to this the simple recipe is: create set of N-S equations in every grid point. Then dump first two equations for every boundary point in which conditions for vx
and vy
were introduced and dump continuity equation in every point where condition for pressure P
was introduced. Then replace those dumped equations with simple equations in form of boundaryvx
, boudaryvy
and boundaryp
. Moreover, it seems to be enough to set pressure in one single point on the boundary (pressure seems like potential field to me - you can add constant value to it and nothing happens). To be honest, I can't completely grasp this idea as it seems to me that original equations on the boundary are not redundant even with all velocities determined, as long as pressure stays unknown on the boundary. But still, this guy's recipe seems to produce same number of equations as variables and for him it seems to work with finite differences.
I joined boundary equations to one system:
boundaryeqns = Flatten[Join[boundaryvx, boundaryvy, boundaryp]];
And then created other equations for points non boundary points:
eqns = DeleteDuplicates[
Table[{Dot[{vx[i], vy[i]},
gradsvx[i]] == -gradsp[i][[1]] + (1/Rey)*
laplacevx[i][[1, 1]],
Dot[{vx[i], vy[i]},
gradsvy[i]] == -gradsp[i][[2]] + (1/Rey)*
laplacevx[i][[2, 2]],
gradsvx[i][[1]] + gradsvy[i][[2]] == 0}, {i,
Length[boundary[[1]]] + 1, len, 1}],
Table[{gradsvx[i][[1]] + gradsvy[i][[2]] == 0}, {i, 2,
Length[boundary[[1]]]}], boundaryeqns]]];
OK, the last one might seem to be a bit complicated. It takes advantage of mesh object and fact that boundary points are listed always first. So Length[boundary[[1]]]
is number of boundary points and we now know for which points we won't construct first two equations, because we already set a boundary conditions for velocities in them. For continuity equations we start from indice '2' because P[1]
was set to be zero (can be any number).
The next command just joins all variables to one list:
vars = Flatten[Join[Table[vx[i], {i, 1, len}], Table[vy[i], {i, 1, len}], Table[P[i], {i, 1, len}]]];
We can check the number of equations and variables:
And the final step is to obtain solution with either NSolve
or FindRoot
. NSolve
just keep running and running and I was patient to wait only several hours before aborting the execution, so I used FindRoot
sol = vars /. FindRoot[eqns, Thread[{vars, 1}]];
Initial guess 1 for all variables seem to be quite reasonable as boundary conditions for velocities at rectangle boundary are set to 1 in x
direction. Then the error appeared:
979039320256561`*^-13,-9.058128654204308`*^-13,<<2245>>} is not a \
list of numbers with dimensions {2295} at \
>} = {1.`,1.`,1.`,1.`,1.`,1.`,1.`,1.`,1.`,1.`,1.`,1.`,1.`,1.`,1.`,1.`,\
2245>>}. >>
And another two:
{FindRoot[eqns,Thread[{vars,0.5}]]} is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing. >>
The first error looks like the system of equations is kinda ill-conditioned, so it may have no solution (and it can take just tiny one bad equation to ruin whole system). The second error suggests that perhaps variable is not a variable anymore? I wasn't sure so I executed ClearAll[vx, vy, P]
before executing FindRoot
but nothing has changed. Can someone explain to me why this error appeares? Is this related to infinite running of NSolve
? Did I make some mistake so my system of equations has no solution (FindRoot[x^2+1==0,{x,1}]
leads to 10^-a lot and an error message as well)?
I hope this question is not too long to read and not too boring to answer. Thanks in advance!
P.S.: I know that code is very sloppy and everything could have been written with less characters and in more elegant way, but...that is not the problem here, is it?
P.S2: Lot of discussions and papers about FEM obtains lots of integrals, so-called test functions and words like "weak solution". I'm not a mathematician so in my naivity I'm only interested in some nice pictures of flow especially when I'm able to simulate it myself. I certainly can't be involved in discussions like "Do you have an estimate on smoothness of your solution? Is that a weak formulation?". I hope this is not a problem. This primitive approach (make grid, estimate derivatives, put boundary conditions together with other equations and solve algebraic equations instead of differential equations) seems OK to me...
EDIT: I modified a bit a calculation of interpolating coefficients:
Table[fit[i_, {x_, y_}] :=
a6[i] x^2 + a5[i] y^2 + a4[i] x y + a3[i] x + a2[i] y + a1[i], {i,
1, len}];
Table[symbvx[i] =
fit @@@ Thread[{i, neighbour[i]}], {a1[i], a2[i], a3[i], a4[i],
a5[i], a6[i]}][[2]],
Table[vx[Position[grid, neighbour[i][[j]]][[1, 1]]], {j, 1,
6}]], {i, 1, len}];
Table[symbvy[i] =
fit @@@ Thread[{i, neighbour[i]}], {a1[i], a2[i], a3[i], a4[i],
a5[i], a6[i]}][[2]],
Table[vy[Position[grid, neighbour[i][[j]]][[1, 1]]], {j, 1,
6}]], {i, 1, len}];
Table[symbp[i] =
fit @@@ Thread[{i, neighbour[i]}], {a1[i], a2[i], a3[i], a4[i],
a5[i], a6[i]}][[2]],
Table[P[Position[grid, neighbour[i][[j]]][[1, 1]]], {j, 1,
6}]], {i, 1, len}];
Calculation of gradients and 2nd derivative matrices must be modified a bit too:
Table[gradsvx[i] =
symbvx[i][[2]] y + symbvx[i][[3]] x + symbvx[i][[4]] x y +
symbvx[i][[5]] y^2 + symbvx[i][[6]] x^2, {{x, y}, 1}]) /.
x -> grid[[i, 1]] /. y -> grid[[i, 2]]], {i, 1, len}];
Table[gradsvy[i] =
symbvy[i][[2]] y + symbvy[i][[3]] x + symbvy[i][[4]] x y +
symbvy[i][[5]] y^2 + symbvy[i][[6]] x^2, {{x, y}, 1}]) /.
x -> grid[[i, 1]] /. y -> grid[[i, 2]]], {i, 1, len}];
Table[gradsp[i] =
symbp[i][[2]] y + symbp[i][[3]] x + symbp[i][[4]] x y +
symbp[i][[5]] y^2 + symbp[i][[6]] x^2, {{x, y}, 1}]) /.
x -> grid[[i, 1]] /. y -> grid[[i, 2]]], {i, 1, len}];
Table[laplacevx[i] =
symbvx[i][[2]] y + symbvx[i][[3]] x + symbvx[i][[4]] x y +
symbvx[i][[5]] y^2 + symbvx[i][[6]] x^2, {{x, y}, 2}]) /.
x -> grid[[i, 1]] /. y -> grid[[i, 2]]], {i, 1, len}];
Table[laplacevy[i] =
symbvy[i][[2]] y + symbvy[i][[3]] x + symbvy[i][[4]] x y +
symbvy[i][[5]] y^2 + symbvy[i][[6]] x^2, {{x, y}, 2}]) /.
x -> grid[[i, 1]] /. y -> grid[[i, 2]]], {i, 1, len}];
So there are no equations like eqns[[1639]]
, eqns[[16741]]
, ... (Solve could not solve for interpolating coefficients so equations consisted of some undetermined coefficients and FindRoot found no solution).
Now sol = vars /. FindRoot[eqns, Thread[{vars, 0.79}]];
returns starting value in every variable (0.79)...if I change 0.79 to 1.1 it returns 1.1 and so on...there is also an error:
The line search decreased the step size to within tolerance specified \
by AccuracyGoal and PrecisionGoal but was unable to find a sufficient \
decrease in the merit function. You may need more than \
MachinePrecision digits of working precision to meet these \
tolerances. >>
What should I do?
{{1639}, {1671}, {1788}, {1827}}
and you will see whyFindRoot
complains. $\endgroup$