
I am trying to implement the HMAC algorithm in Mathematica. The algorithm is a relatively simple way of signing messages with a key.

Here is some pseudocode from Wikipedia:

enter image description here

My attempt:

hash[string_String, method_String : "SHA256"] := FromCharacterCode @ 
    Interpreter["HexInteger"] @ StringPartition[IntegerString[Hash[string, method], 16], 2];

HMAC[key_String, message_String, method_String : "SHA256", blockSize_Integer : 64] :=
    {char54, char92, key2, ipad, opad},
    {char54, char92} = FromCharacterCode /@ {54, 92};
    key2 = Switch[StringLength @ key,
        blockSize, key,
        l_ /; l > blockSize, hash[key, method],
        _, StringPadRight[key, blockSize, FromCharacterCode @ 0]];
    ipad = FromCharacterCode[BitXor @@ Map[ToCharacterCode, {StringRepeat[char54, blockSize], key2}]];
    opad = FromCharacterCode[BitXor @@ Map[ToCharacterCode, {StringRepeat[char92, blockSize], key2}]];
    hash @ StringJoin[opad, hash @ StringJoin[ipad, message]]];

A Java analog for testing:


javaHMAC[key_, message_] := Module[
    {mac, keySpec, bytes},
        mac = Mac`getInstance["HmacSHA256"];
        keySpec = JavaNew["javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec", ToCharacterCode[key], "HmacSHA256"];
        mac @ init[keySpec];
        bytes = mac @ doFinal[ToCharacterCode[message]] + 256;
        FromCharacterCode @ bytes]];

In my particular case I am using this to communicate with Amazon Web Services. At the bottom of this page they provide a test vector which involves repeated HMAC computations. For these inputs (using outputs as the key for the next input)

messages = {"20120215", "us-east-1", "iam", "aws4_request"};

we should obtain

"kSecret  = '41575334774a616c725855746e46454d492f4b374d44454e472b62507852666943594558414d504c454b4559'
kDate    = '969fbb94feb542b71ede6f87fe4d5fa29c789342b0f407474670f0c2489e0a0d'
kRegion  = '69daa0209cd9c5ff5c8ced464a696fd4252e981430b10e3d3fd8e2f197d7a70c'
kService = 'f72cfd46f26bc4643f06a11eabb6c0ba18780c19a8da0c31ace671265e3c87fa'
kSigning = 'f4780e2d9f65fa895f9c67b32ce1baf0b0d8a43505a000a1a9e090d414db404d'";
StringSplit[StringSplit[%, "\n"], "= "][[All, 2]];
correct = StringReplace[%, "'" -> ""];

My function passes this test. Swapping it out for the Java method will show that the same results are obtained.

FoldList[HMAC, key, messages];
StringJoin /@ IntegerString[ToCharacterCode @ %, 16, 2];
MapThread[SequenceAlignment, {%, correct}];
% // Column






But on a slightly different set of messages, from the bottom of this page, my function fails on one of the steps.

messages2 = {"20110909", "us-east-1", "iam", "aws4_request"};

FoldList[HMAC, key, messages2];
hex2 = StringJoin /@ IntegerString[ToCharacterCode @ %, 16, 2];

FoldList[javaHMAC, key, messages2];
javaHex2 = StringJoin /@ IntegerString[ToCharacterCode @ %, 16, 2];

MapThread[SequenceAlignment, {hex2, javaHex2}] // Column






In this case the Java output matches the answer provided by AWS.

I cannot get this implementation to work either.

  • $\begingroup$ I don't understand your custom hash as the pseudocode from Wikipedia $\endgroup$
    – yode
    Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 11:49
  • $\begingroup$ I don't understand your custom hash as the pseudocode from Wikipedia $\endgroup$
    – yode
    Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 11:49

1 Answer 1


Try something like

hash[string_String, method_String: "SHA256"] :=
    FromCharacterCode@IntegerDigits[Hash[string, method], 256, 32]

The original method you used will drop leading zeros. You can even see that in your example data set:


ETA: I should have mentioned that passing in the algorithm but then hard-coding the length of the expected hash to 32 bytes is extremely sloppy of me. Do not do that in production code.


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