Based on this question: - Version 7 print environment - I set up two 10 page test documents in version 7.0.1 and version 10.1. The version 7 document exported to PDF in 4.18 seconds whereas the version 10 export took 424.6 seconds.
Can I speed up export from version 10?
These are the test exports.
For Version 7
time = DateList[];
PrintingOptions -> {"PrintingMargins" -> {{45, 43}, {17, 31}},
"FirstPageHeader" -> False, "FirstPageFooter" -> False,
"RestPagesHeader" -> False, "RestPagesFooter" -> False,
"Magnification" -> 1}];
text = StringReplace[StringTake[
ExampleData[{"Text", "Prufrock"}], 4221],
FromCharacterCode[{195, 162, 128, 194, 153}] -> "'"];
square = Graphics[{Orange, Rectangle[{0, 0}, {70, 70}]},
PlotRange -> {{0, 70}, {0, 70}}];
column = Table[Inset[square, {415, 100 i}, {Left, Bottom},
{70, 70}], {i, 0, 9}];
page = Graphics[{White, Rectangle[{0, 0}, {500, 973}], Black,
Inset[TextCell[text, LineSpacing -> {0, 16},
TextJustification -> 1], {0, 973}, {Left, Top}, {400, 973}],
column}, PlotRange -> {{0, 500}, {0, 973}}, ImageSize -> 500,
BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Times", FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSize -> 14}];
nb = CreateDocument[ConstantArray[ExpressionCell[page, "Print"], 10],
WindowSize -> 800];
filename = StringJoin["v", ToString[Round@$VersionNumber], ".pdf"];
Export[filename, nb];
DateDifference[time, DateList[], "Second"]
{4.18004, Second}
For Version 10
time = DateList[];
PrintingOptions -> {"PrintingMargins" -> {{11, 43}, {15, 31}},
"FirstPageHeader" -> False, "FirstPageFooter" -> False,
"RestPagesHeader" -> False, "RestPagesFooter" -> False,
"Magnification" -> 1}];
text = StringReplace[StringTake[
ExampleData[{"Text", "Prufrock"}], 4221],
FromCharacterCode[{195, 162, 128, 194, 153}] -> "'"];
square = Graphics[{Orange, Rectangle[{0, 0}, {70, 70}]},
PlotRange -> {{0, 70}, {0, 70}}];
column = Table[Inset[square, {415, 100 i}, {Left, Bottom},
{70, 70}], {i, 0, 9}];
page = Graphics[{White, Rectangle[{0, 0}, {500, 973}], Black,
Inset[TextCell[text, LineSpacing -> {0, 17},
TextJustification -> 1], {0, 973}, {Left, Top}, {400, 973}],
column}, PlotRange -> {{0, 500}, {0, 973}}, ImageSize -> 555,
BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Times", FontWeight -> "Plain", FontSize -> 15.5}];
nb = CreateDocument[ConstantArray[ExpressionCell[page, "Print"], 10],
WindowSize -> 800];
filename = StringJoin["v", ToString[Round@$VersionNumber], ".pdf"];
Export[filename, nb];
DateDifference[time, DateList[], "Second"]
424.599 s
statement (the rest of the code is executed fine and fast). $\endgroup$