I want to do Conjugate[a + b*I]
, but when I do that, the solution is
Conjugate[a] - I*Conjugate[b]
; when for me, a and b are reals.
I want to obtain the following expresion : a-b*I
The same problem exists with the function Abs
I want to do Conjugate[a + b*I]
, but when I do that, the solution is
Conjugate[a] - I*Conjugate[b]
; when for me, a and b are reals.
I want to obtain the following expresion : a-b*I
The same problem exists with the function Abs
Conjugate[a + b*I]//ComplexExpand
Refine[Conjugate[a + b*I], {a, b} \[Element] Reals]
_Symbol ∈ Reals
as the assumption instead of {a, b} ∈ Reals
since the former allows the method to be bundled into a function for re-use without passing the list of variables manually. See my alternate answer.
Sep 27, 2017 at 18:44
doesn't seem to be recognized by Wolfram Alfa - any suggestions on how to defines variables as Real there? Thank you.
Nov 11, 2021 at 20:36
The most complete and extendable answer is to define
Conj[x_] := Refine[Conjugate[x], _Symbol ∈ Reals];
Then we get
Conj[a + I b]
a - i b
as expected. It is also possible to generalize so that Conj
takes a second argument telling it which variables to treat as complex, recovering similar abilities of ComplexExpand
Conj[x_, exclu_:{}] :=
Refine[Conjugate[x], _?((Head[#] == Symbol && ! MemberQ[exclu, #]) &) ∈ Reals];
Conj[a + I b, {b}]
a - i Conjugate[b]
EDIT: Cheng Tao found an example with undesired behavior:
Conj[a Exp[I b] + c Exp[I d]]
Conjugate[a $e^{i b}$ + c $e^{i d}$]
This seems to be an issue with Conjugate
not automatically distributing over addition. I have a patch to fix this behavior, but I suspect there is still an underlying pathology:
ConjNew[x_] := Refine[
Conjugate[x] //. {Conjugate[sum_Plus] :> Conjugate /@ sum},
_Symbol ∈ Reals];
ConjNew[a Exp[I b] + c Exp[I d]]
a $e^{-i b}$ + c $e^{-i d}$
(I could not find a way to use Distribute
to fix this. Note also the issues with using Plus in a pattern.)
This question and related versions have been asked many times before: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11. Here's a round up.
The basic issue is that using Conjugate
alone doesn't work because Mathematica doesn't know your variables are real:
Conjugate[a + I b]
Conjugate[a] - i Conjugate[b]
Rojo's suggestion to deploy ComplexExpand
is very common advice and it works in the simplest case
ComplexExpand[Conjugate[a + I b]]
a - i b
but it has the undesirable behavior of converting some exponentials functions to trig functions.
ComplexExpand[Conjugate[Exp[a + I b]]]
$e^a$ Cos[b] - i $e^a$ Sin[b]
This becomes terrible when you have multiple exponentials. (Edit: Interestingly, you can occasionally prevent ComplexExpand
from converting Exp
's to Cos
's and Sin
's using the option TargetFunctions -> Conjugate
. This does't help with a E^(I b)
, but it does help with a E^(I b)+c E^(I d)
. Note that TargetFunctions -> Exp
is not an allowed option.)
One can use Refine
and assume everything is real
Refine[Conjugate[a + I b], _ ∈ Reals]
a - i b
but then you can run into trouble when it starts assuming every expressions is real (not just variables):
Refine[Conjugate[Sqrt[I*a]], _ ∈ Reals]
$\sqrt{i a}$
Like Rojo's alternate answer, you can assume that only the symbols in your expression are real
Refine[Conjugate[a + I b, {a,b} ∈ Reals}]
Conjugate[$\sqrt{i a}$]
but this becomes quite unwieldy if you have many variables or if you make variable substitutions. (If you forget one variable in a large expression, you may not notice.) Furthermore, if you want to encapsulate this by defining a function like Conj
, you need to pass the list of variables manually or scrape them from the input expression.
Avoiding this issue by making the reality assumption for all things with the Head
of Symbol
gives the answer above.
Also note that you can use Simplify
in place of refine, but this will muck around by simplifying your expression,
Simplify[Conjugate[I(x^2 + 2 x y + y^2)], _Symbol ∈ Reals]
-i $($x - y$)^2$
when you may really have wanted -I(x^2 + 2 x y + y^2)
The simple hack of flipping the sign on i
is too fragile to rely on. This works
(a + I b) /. {I -> -I}
a - i b
but this doesn't
Exp[-I] /. {I -> -I}
Even if you try the rule {Complex[re_, im_] :> Complex[re, -im]}
, there are issues with complex-valued functions like ArcSin[2]
Conj[t1 Exp[I k1] + t1 Exp[I k2]]
Jan 26, 2023 at 12:05
not automatically distributing over addition. (I'd have hoped that Refine
would fix this, but it doesn't.) I hacked together a patch in the answer above (see the edit). I'd welcome a better understanding of this issue.
Jan 26, 2023 at 19:30
And for the absolute value of z
use Norm
command instead of Abs
Refine[Norm[a + b*I], {a, b} ∈ Reals]
norm[z_] := Sqrt[ComplexExpand[z Conjugate[z]]]
and then just norm[a + b I]
Consider using Simplify
and Assumptions
Simplify[Conjugate[a + I*b], Assumptions -> {{a, b} \[Element] Reals}]
a - I b