
I am new to Mathematica and I am working on a code on which the final output depends on variables evaluated from the inputs A simplified example: (x,y) inputs ,(q,w) intermediate values, (z) output

x = Input["x"]
y = Input["y"]
q = 2 x
w = 3 y
z = 4 q + 5 w
f = 3 x + 4 y

This works just fine, but I want to manipulate the inputs so i tried

q = 2 x
w = 3 y
Manipulate[z = 4 q + 5 w, {x, 0, 10}, {y, 0, 10}]

the result for z is 8x+15y that doesn't change with moving x and y sliders.. so i tried

Manipulate[q = 2 x, {x, 0, 10}]
Manipulate[w = 3 y, {y, 0, 10}]
z = 4 q + 5 w
f = 3 x + 4 y

which worked for z but did not work for f as apparently the values of x and y aren't stored my questions are
1- how to set the values for x and y from manipulate ?
2- the value of z isn't evaluated when i move the sliders but i have to run the code again and the sliders are thus reset. How can i get the result of z instantaneously by moving the sliders of x and y. Thanks alot.


2 Answers 2


Another approach slightly different from LLIAMnYP's answer to is to go ahead and treat the x and y variables as local to Manipulate. In this approach x and y are updated dynamically and used to compute the intermediate results, q and w.

x and y are used to directly compute f but the intermediate results are used to compute z.

One uses DyanmicModule to localize q, w, f and z.


   q = 2 x,
   w = 3 y,

  f = 3 x + 4 y;
  z = 4 q + 5 w;

  Row[{"f = ", f, "  z = ", z}]
  ], (* end of DynamicModule *)

 {{x, 1}, -10, 10, Appearance -> "Open"},
 {{y, 2}, -10, 10, Appearance -> "Open"}

Row is used to display the results. Below is what it looks like for the initial settings x=1 and y=2.

Mathematica graphics


The problem here is scoping. x and y inside the Manipulate are not the same x and y that you use globally. In order to remedy this, use the option LocalizeVariables -> False.

Manipulate[{q = 2 x, w = 3 y}, {x, 0, 10}, {y, 0, 10}, LocalizeVariables -> False]
(* slide around *)
(* 3.74 *)
z = 4 q + 5 w
f = 3 x + 4 y
(* 103.72 *)
(* 30.9 *)

Perhaps a further improvement, try

Dynamic[z = 4 q + 5 w]
Dynamic[f = 3 x + 4 y]

and watch the values of f and z be updated on-the-fly.


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