I have a somewhat complicated function that I have defined.
myfunction[t_, qi_, di_, b_, dt_] :=
Module[{din, dtn, tdt, qtdt},
din = If[b == 0, -Log[1 - di], ((1 - di)^-b - 1)/b];
If[b == 0, (qi - qi*Exp[-din*t/12])/din,
dtn = -Log[1 - dt];
tdt = (din/dtn - 1)*12/(b*din);
If[t <= tdt,
If[b == 1, qi/din*Log[(1 + b*din*t/12)^(1/b)], qi^b/((b - 1)*din)*((qi*(1 + b*din*t/12)^(-1/b))^(1 - b) - qi^(1 - b))],
qtdt = qi*(1 + b*din*tdt/12)^(-1/b);
If[b == 1, qi/din*Log[(1 + b*din*tdt/12)^(1/b)] + (qtdt - qtdt*Exp[-dtn*(t - tdt)/12])/dtn,
qi^b/((b - 1)*din)*((qi*(1 + b*din*tdt/12)^(-1/b))^(1 - b) - qi^(1 - b)) + (qtdt - qtdt*Exp[-dtn*(t - tdt)/12])/ dtn]]]*12]
And here is sample data to fit to:
data= {{1, 1116}, {2, 5116}, {3, 8168}, {4, 10362}, {5, 13381}, {6, 15989}, {7, 17606}, {8, 19233}, {9, 20738}, {10, 22006}, {11, 23180}, {12, 24087}, {13, 25547}, {14, 29835}, {15, 33275}, {16, 35482}, {17, 37634}, {18, 39340}, {19, 41056}, {20, 43071}, {21, 44697}, {22, 46414}, {23, 47917}, {24, 49870}, {25, 51350}, {26, 53339}, {27, 55418}, {28, 57095}, {29, 58724}, {30, 60600}, {31, 61704}, {32, 63050}, {33, 64510}, {34, 66156}, {35, 67429}, {36, 68764}, {37, 69902}, {38, 71286}, {39, 72714}, {40, 73667}, {41, 74864}, {42, 75072}, {43, 75344}, {44, 75344}, {45, 76453}, {46, 76964}, {47, 77396}, {48, 78485}, {49, 80406}, {50, 81696}, {51, 82463}, {52, 84066}, {53, 85591}, {54, 86119}, {55, 86554}, {56, 87947}, {57, 88715}, {58, 89661}, {59, 90868}, {60, 91742}, {61, 92221}, {62, 93451}, {63, 95129}, {64, 98020}, {65, 119405}}
Now the function must have constraints and I have found that FindFit works a lot better if I give it starting values, so I use the following code and get the the following answer:
FindFit[data, {myfunction[t, qi, di, b, 0.1], {di >= 0, 0 <= b <= 3}}, {{qi, 4000}, {di, 0.5}, {b, 2}}, t]
{qi -> 2664.49, di -> 0.242422, b -> 0.770906}
I would like to have all of the functionality of NonlinearModelFit (residuals, confidence intervals, and all that good stuff), but I type in the same arguments and it spits out something unintelligible:
NonlinearModelFit[data, {myfunction[t, qi, di, b, 0.1], {di >= 0, 0 <= b <= 3}}, {{qi, 4000}, {di, 0.5}, {b, 2}}, t]
Why can I not get NonlinearModelFit to work? when FindFit works just fine?
UPDATE Based on somebody's comment, it was suggested to try to write my code with Piecewise. So I have created that below. However, with this function, neither fit function appears to work.
myfunctionpiecewise[t_, qi_, di_, b_, dt_] :=
Module[{din, dtn, tdt, qtdt},
din = Piecewise[{{-Log[1 - di], b == 0}, {((1 - di)^-b - 1)/b,
b > 0}}];
If[b != 0,
dtn = -Log[1 - dt];
tdt = (din/dtn - 1)*12/(b*din);
qtdt = qi*(1 + b*din*tdt/12)^(-1/b)];
Piecewise[{{(qi - qi*Exp[-din*t/12])/din, b == 0},
{Piecewise[{{qi/din*Log[(1 + b*din*t/12)^(1/b)],
t <= tdt}, {qi/din*
Log[(1 + b*din*tdt/12)^(1/b)] + (qtdt -
qtdt*Exp[-dtn*(t - tdt)/12])/dtn, t > tdt}}], b == 1},
b/((b - 1)*din)*((qi*(1 + b*din*t/12)^(-1/b))^(1 - b) -
qi^(1 - b)),
t <= tdt}, {qi^
b/((b - 1)*din)*((qi*(1 + b*din*tdt/12)^(-1/b))^(1 - b) -
qi^(1 - b)) + (qtdt - qtdt*Exp[-dtn*(t - tdt)/12])/dtn,
t > tdt}}], b != 1 || b > 0}}]*12]
? $\endgroup$FindFit
behave similarly on my system, in that neither one of them is able to converge on a good fit with your starting conditions. I am using MMA 10.2 on Win7-64. What version / OS are you using? $\endgroup$