
I want to get all counts of trigrams that with "th" (or any other given digram).

humanRights = 
  ToLowerCase@ExampleData[{"Text", "UNHumanRightsEnglish"}]; 

trigramCounts = LetterCounts[humanRights, 3];

How can I do this? Neither trigramCounts["th"<> _], trigramCounts[["th" ~~ _]] nor trigramCounts[RegularExpression["th*"]] produce the desired effect

  • $\begingroup$ All the values are trigrams. Therefore I think the pattern "th"~~_ is sufficient and the anonymous function becomes StringMatchQ[#, "th" ~~ _]& $\endgroup$ Aug 3, 2015 at 8:44

1 Answer 1


This is one way:

KeySelect[trigramCounts, StringMatchQ[#, "th" ~~ ___] &]

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