vpw = 3.3
Mp = 80
rp = 0.014*Mp
b0 = 26.31016273 - (1.7168*10^3/t) - 3.5519*Log[t]
b1 = 24.65681838 - (1.547*10^3/t) - 3.4314*Log[t]
b2 = 9.080370819 - (6.9445*10^2/t) - 1.2222*Log[t]
g = b0 + b1*phip + b2*phip^2
dg = b1 + 2*b2*phip
ddg = 2*b2
dddg = 0
S1 = (1/(phip*rp*vpw)) + (1/(1 - phip)) - (2*g - 2*(1 - 2*phip)*dg - phip*(1 - phip)*ddg)
S2 = -(1/(phip^2*rp*vpw)) + (1/(1 - phip)^2) - (6*dg - 3*(1 - 2*phip)*ddg -
phip*(1 - phip)*dddg)
I have tried FindRoot
to solve S1==0
and S2==0
but it gives only one root which may be real or imaginary depending upon initial guess.
In order to get all real roots, I am trying to solve S1==0
and S2==0
by using NSolve
. But it takes too long time and does not give any solution.
In order to get all possible real roots of above non-linear equations, please suggest me the possible solution of my problem. Thanks in advance and Regards
? $\endgroup${phip -> -1.2873402582429818, t -> 414.62463948474345}
. As far as I can see there is no real root fort<0
. Also usingPlot3D
I doubt if there is any solution to{S1==0, S2==0}
. Function is also unbounded in that region. $\endgroup$