Considering we have a string:
str = "1a 789 4/7 123/7 asff %$#7 478 9/4"
How can I insert "/1"
for the numbers that are integers, to have the following result:
res = "1a 789/1 4/7 123/7 asff %$#7 478/1 9/4"
If there is always one space at a time as shown, or if the number of spaces is irrelevant:
str = "1a 789 4/7 123/7 asff %$#7 478 9/4";
StringSplit[str] /.
s_String /; StringMatchQ[s, DigitCharacter ..] :> s <> "/1" // StringRiffle
"1a 789/1 4/7 123/7 asff %$#7 478/1 9/4"
Or adjusting J.M.'s comment code to work:
w1 : Whitespace | StartOfString ~~ x : DigitCharacter .. ~~
w2 : Whitespace | EndOfString :> w1 <> x <> "/1" <> w2]
"1a 789/1 4/7 123/7 asff %$#7 478/1 9/4"
StringReplace[str, WordBoundary ~~ x : DigitCharacter .. ~~ WordBoundary :> x <> "/1"]
. $\endgroup$