I have defined a table tab = {7.52521, 17.0083, 22.5678, 11.8707, 8.27799}
and a function F[x_] := tab[[1]]*HeavisideTheta[x] + (tab[[2]] - tab[[1]])*
HeavisideTheta[x - 20] + (tab[[3]] - tab[[2]])*
HeavisideTheta[x - 40] + (tab[[4]] - tab[[3]])*
HeavisideTheta[x - 60] + (tab[[4]] - tab[[5]])*
HeavisideTheta[x - 80]
If I now try to look at the value at 20:
In[402]:= F[20]
Out[402]= 7.52521 + 9.48311 HeavisideTheta[0]
But the problem is that I need this result to be numerical, because I want to do some more calculations with it. And it is not numerical, because it is at the border of two Heaviside functions. How do I change my definition of function F
in order to get pass that problem? Or maybe is there a different way to get F[20]
It is not very important value of which Heaviside function it takes (to the left or to the right of 20).
for numerical evaluations. $\endgroup$