Consider a function that maps a complex function z->f(z) to it's multivariable counterpart (x,y)->f(x,y)
complex2multivar[z_] := ComplexExpand[Through[{Re, Im}[z]]]
Here are some results:
As expected:
complex2multivar[2 #^2 &[x + I y]]
{2 x^2 - 2 y^2, 4 x y}
As expected:
t1[z_] := 2 z^2
complex2multivar[t1[x + I y]]
{2 x^2 - 2 y^2, 4 x y}
NOT as expected:
t2[z_] := 2. z^2
complex2multivar[t2[x + I y]]
{(0. + 0. I) + 2. x^2 - 2. y^2, (0. + 0. I) + 4. x y}
Please explain this unexpected behavior.
How can this be fixed such that I can use pure functions like
(a # + b) / (c # + d) &
where the a,b,c,d are of type
Real + Real I
for example
a = 1.4 + .7 I
. $\endgroup$