I'm trying to solve this system of ODEs numerically:
$$\vec{Q} = \vec{P} \times \vec{Q}$$ where vectors $\vec{P}, \vec{Q}$ have 3 components:
$$\vec{Q} = \left( Q_1, Q_2, Q_3 \right) $$ $$\vec{P} = \left( P_1, P_2, P_3 \right)$$ with given $$P_1 = 1$$ $$P_2 = a \cos \left[w(-\log(|t|))\right] + b \sin \left[w(-\log(|t|))\right]$$ $$P_3 = -a \sin \left[w(-\log(|t|))\right] + b \cos \left[w(-\log(|t|))\right]$$ Because of rotation character of this equation $$|\vec{Q}| = const$$
But when I use NDSolve for this and plot the result, I obtain:
As we see, $|\vec{Q}|$ is not constant (it's growing with time).
So, I think that the reason is accumulating errors during calculations. Here's a code:
sol = NDSolve[{Q1'[t] == ((a*Cos[w*-Log[Abs[t]]] + b*Sin[w*-Log[Abs[t]]])*
Q3[t] + (a*Sin[w*-Log[Abs[t]]] - b*Cos[w*-Log[Abs[t]]])*Q2[t]),
Q2'[t] == ((b*Cos[w*-Log[Abs[t]]] + a*Sin[w*-Log[Abs[t]]])*Q1[t] - Q3[t]),
Q3'[t] == ((b*Sin[w*-Log[Abs[t]]] + a*Cos[w*-Log[Abs[t]]])*Q1[t] + Q2[t]),
Q1[t1] == 0, Q2[t1] == 0, Q3[t1] == 1}, {Q1[t], Q2[t], Q3[t]}, {t, t1, t3},
AccuracyGoal -> 20, PrecisionGoal -> 20, WorkingPrecision -> 35, MaxSteps->
Plot[{Evaluate[Q1[t]] /. sol, Evaluate[Q2[t]] /. sol, Evaluate[Q3[t]] /.
sol}, {t, t1, t3}, PlotRange -> 1.5, AxesLabel -> {t, Q3[t]}]
I even wrote all used values ($a$, $b$, etc.) with explicit precision (like a = 0.5`20).
If I increase AccuracyGoal and PrecisionGoal (both to value 30 and WorkingPrecision 35) I get something very wrong:
and I don't know why this occurs.
UPD: typical value of $w$ is about $20.0$.
UPD2: I copied Winther's code and got errors:
There are more dependent variables, {Q1[t],Q2[t],Q3[t]}, than \
equations, so the system is underdetermined.
NDSolve::dsvar: 0.006021326428571428` cannot be used as a variable.
ReplaceAll::reps: "{NDSolve[<<1>>]} is neither a list of replacement rules
nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing."
NDSolve::dsvar: 0.006021326428571428` cannot be used as a variable.
ReplaceAll::reps: "{NDSolve[<<1>>]} is neither a list of replacement rule
nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing."
NDSolve::dsvar: 1.026327448877551` cannot be used as a variable.
and so on.
All values have been cleared and initialized again before compilation.
supposed to be? $\endgroup$w
is a ''frequency'' of rotation of vector P $\endgroup$w
in the question… $\endgroup$