This is my implementation using Graphics
primitives and rules. Here's the final result; the implementation details and edge cases follow.
1. General approach
First, we start with a single square and build up a test grid:
square = Polygon[{{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1}}];
grid = Graphics[{EdgeForm[Black], FaceForm[None],
Table[Transpose@First@square + {i, j} // Transpose // Polygon, {i, 4}, {j, 4}]}];
For use in a later step, I'm translating the square explicitly here instead of using Translate
or GeometricTransform
, which remains in the FullForm
doesn't get rid of it either, although it does for simple cases)
Next, I define a function intersectQ
that tells you whether a line segment intersects a polygon. This uses an internal function Graphics`Mesh`IntersectQ
, which is only available in v8 onwards.
intersectQ[line_, poly_] := Or @@ With[
{l = Developer`PartitionMap[Line, First@poly /. {x_, y__} :> {x, y, x}, 2, 1]},
Graphics`Mesh`IntersectQ[{line, #}] & /@ l
The logic is simple — check to see if the line intersects any of the sides of the polygon (Note: make sure to read section 3 below).
Next, a function/rule that divides a square if a line passes through it (using the above test):
divide[line_] := p : Polygon[v_] :>
{c = Mean@v, s = (Most@# + Rest@#)/2 &[v /. {x_, y__} :> {x, y, x}] /.
{x__, y_} :> {y, x, y}},
Polygon@{v[[#]], s[[# + 1]], c, s[[#]]} & /@ Range@4
] /; intersectQ[line, p]
Finally, we apply this to the grid and an arbitrary line to get the refined grid:
refGrid = With[{line = Line[{{3/2, 5/2}, {9/2, 9/2}}]},
Show[Nest[# /. divide[line] &, grid, 3], Graphics[{Red, line}]]]
You can nest this how many ever times you want.
2. Obtaining the coordinates of the top-right corners of the grids
To get the top-right vertex from each grid block (left image), you can do:
Cases[refGrid, Polygon[v_] :>
With[{c = Mean@v}, Select[v, ArcTan @@ (# - c) == π/4 &]], Infinity]~Flatten~1
or get them just for the intersecting grids by using the above with intersectQ
(right image)
3. Edge cases
ruebenko pointed out some edge cases wherein lines that overlap with an edge of the grid are not considered as intersecting the grid. This is what it looks like at present:
Notice that the third and fourth large grids in the first row are not divided properly.
One simple way suggested by ruebenko was to find the area of the triangle formed by the end-points of the line and each vertex of the polygon — if the area of any triangle is 0, then it is overlaps with an edge. This is good, but fails when the end-points of the line and the end-points of the edge are collinear, but the line and the edge don't overlap.
A mathematical solution to this can be obtained by recognizing that a line segment $L$ and a polygon $P$ are both convex sets. So a line can be conclusively said to be touching a polygon or intersecting it if
$$\exists\ \{x,y\}: \{x,y\}\in L \bigwedge \{x,y\}\in P$$
We can tell Mathematica exactly that to get our condition:
divideQ[line_, poly_] := divideQ[line, poly] =
Exists[{x, y},
With[{P = Array[p, 4], Q = Array[q, 2]},
Exists[P, {x, y} == (P.First@poly) && Total@P == 1 &&
(And @@ Thread[P >= 0])
] &&
Exists[Q, {x, y} == (Q.First@line) && Total@Q == 1 &&
(And @@ Thread[Q >= 0])
], Reals
Now simply use the above condition instead of intersectQ
in section 1 above and you're all set. I've used memoization so that the result for the same polygon-line pair is cached. Using this, the above edge case is taken care of:
While this is a bit slower than the earlier one, it is cleaner and correct for all cases. If one knows well in advance that there are no such edge cases, you could go with intersectQ
. All the figures in this answer barring the incorrect one for the edge case were done using divideQ