On my system, Mathematica 10.1.0 under Windows, none of these FrameTicks
documentation examples work correctly:
(* Draw frame ticks at the specified positions with the specific labels: *)
Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 10}, Frame -> True,
FrameTicks -> {{{0, 0 °}, {Pi, 180 °}, {2 Pi, 360 °}, {3 Pi,
540 °}}, {-1/2, 1/2}}]
(* Specify frame ticks with scaled lengths: *)
Plot[Cos[x], {x, 0, 10}, Frame -> True,
FrameTicks -> {{{Pi, 180 °, {.4, .05}, Red}, {2 Pi, 360 °, {.4, .05},
Thick}, {3 Pi, 540 °, {.4, .05}, Directive[Red, Dashed]}}, {-1, 1}}]
(* Specify frame ticks with scaled lengths in positive and negative directions: *)
Plot[Cos[x], {x, 0, 10}, Frame -> True,
FrameTicks -> {{{0, 0 °, {.4, .05}}, {Pi, 180 °, {.4, .05}}, {2 Pi,
360 °, {.4, .05}}, {3 Pi, 540 °, {.4, 0.05}}}, {-1/2, 1/2}}]
(* Specify the style of each frame tick: *)
Plot[Cos[x], {x, 0, 10}, Frame -> True,
FrameTicks -> {{{Pi, 180 °, {.4, .05}, Red}, {2 Pi, 360 °, {.4, .05},
Thick}, {3 Pi, 540 °, {.4, .05}, Directive[Red, Dashed]}}, {-1, 1}}]
All produce a pink error box with a Tooltip message
Is this indeed a bug or have a broken something in my configuration?
Does it affect other versions and platforms or only 10.1.0 under Windows?