I want to smooth a unit step function for use in NDSolve
so this function is a smooth function of time (t
). How can I do the smoothing? The unit step function is defined by:
α = π/6;
Vbusd[t_] := 5 (1 - Exp[-t]);
Vbusq[t_] := 3 Exp[-t];
n = UnitStep[Vbusd[t]*Cos[t - α - π/6] - Vbusq[t]*Sin[t - α - π/6]] -
UnitStep[Vbusd[t]*Cos[t - α - (5 π)/6] - Vbusq[t]*Sin[t - α - (5 π)/6]];
or find a smooth approximation ofn
which is to be used inNDSolve
? $\endgroup$Tanh