
So I am having an issue using NDSolve and plotting the function. So I have two different NDSolve calls in my plotting function. (They are technically the same, just have different names; but that can be changed back if at all possible because I want them to be the same.) But the second one is not working.

When I remove the plotting code from the Manipulate command, Plot works fine and outputs an answer. I just need the expanded form so that I can manipulate the variables (if there is a way around this, that would be great too!)

Here is what I have so far, any help would be appreciated as I have no idea why I am getting this error.

       {Paorta'[t] == 
         1/Caorta ((1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10 - Paorta[t])/
               1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10 - Paorta[t] > 0}}, 
             x*Ro] - Paorta[t]/Rsystemic), Paorta[0] == 90},
       {t, 0, 10}
     ]), (1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 
     10), (((1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10) - 
        NDSolve[{Pao'[t] == 
           1/Caorta ((1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10 - Pao[t])/
                 1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10 - Pao[t] > 0}}, 
               x*Ro] - Pao[t]/Rsystemic), Pao[0] == 90}, {Pao[t]}, {t,
           0, 10}
  {t, 0, 10},
  ImageSize -> Large,
  PlotRange -> Full,
  PlotLegends -> {"Aortic Pressure", "Pressure in Left Ventricle", 
 {{Caorta, 1/.48}, 1, 6},
 {{Rsystemic, 3.1}, .1, 6},
 {{x, 8000}, 1, 10000},
 {{ω, 2 π}, π, 3 π},
 {{k, 110}, 60, 200},
 {{Ro, .01}, .007, .05}

Thanks in advance!

  • $\begingroup$ Related: (47907) $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Jun 17, 2015 at 8:35

3 Answers 3


EDIT: Pulled definition of f outside of Manipulate to avoid update issue pointed out by @MichaelE2

To keep the Flow from dominating the scale of the Plot and making it difficult to see the other two curves, I multiplied the Flow by Ro

f[t_, Caorta_, Rsystemic_, x_, \[Omega]_, k_, Ro_] :=
 Paorta[t] /. NDSolve[
    {Paorta'[t] ==
      1/Caorta ((1/2*k*(1 + Cos[\[Omega] t]) + 10 - Paorta[t])/
           {{Ro, 1/2*k*(1 + Cos[\[Omega] t]) + 10 - Paorta[t] > 0}},
           x*Ro] - Paorta[t]/Rsystemic),
     Paorta[0] == 90},
    {Paorta[t]}, {t, 0, 10}][[1]]

  Evaluate[{f[t, Caorta, Rsystemic, x, \[Omega], k, Ro],
    1/2*k*(1 + Cos[\[Omega] t]) + 10,
    ((1/2*k*(1 + Cos[\[Omega] t]) + 10) -
      f[t, Caorta, Rsystemic, x, \[Omega], k, Ro])}],
  {t, 0, 10},
  ImageSize -> Medium,
  PlotRange -> Full,
  PlotLegends -> {"Aortic\nPressure",
    "Pressure in\nLeft Ventricle", "Ro*Flow"}],
 {{Control[{{Caorta, 1/.48}, 1, 6, Appearance -> "Labeled"}],
    Control[{{Rsystemic, 3.1}, .1, 6, 
      Appearance -> "Labeled"}]}, {Control[{{x, 8000}, 1, 10000, 
      Appearance -> "Labeled"}],
    Control[{{\[Omega], 2 \[Pi]}, \[Pi], 3 \[Pi], 
      Appearance -> "Labeled"}]}, {Control[{{k, 110}, 60, 200, 
      Appearance -> "Labeled"}],
    Control[{{Ro, .01}, .007, .05, Appearance -> "Labeled"}]}} // 

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ @MichaelE2 - On my system it only updates when a control setting is changed. Perhaps you selected AutoRun. $\endgroup$
    – Bob Hanlon
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 21:46
  • $\begingroup$ The cell bracket is highlighted constantly. When you set a down-value (f[t_] = ...) it triggers a dynamic update. (V10.1, MacOS, in case it makes a difference. V9.0.1, too.) $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 21:47
  • $\begingroup$ I am also using v10.1 on a Mac. I see the cell bracket selected but nothing changes unless I move a slider. $\endgroup$
    – Bob Hanlon
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 22:10
  • $\begingroup$ Just to clarify, I'm talking about this: mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/49257 -- Nothing in the displayed plot changes, but it is recomputed every time it finishes (like an infinite loop). The highlighted cell bracket on a Manipulate indicates that the FE is waiting for the kernel to finish computing an update. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 22:14
  • $\begingroup$ @MichaelE2 - edited to avoid this issue. Thanks. $\endgroup$
    – Bob Hanlon
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 23:52

You've got Evaluate in the wrong place. It has to be of the form

Plot[Evaluate[stuff to plot...],...]

So this seems to work:

      NDSolve[{Paorta'[t] == 
         1/Caorta ((1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10 - Paorta[t])/
                1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10 - Paorta[t] > 0}}, 
              x*Ro] - Paorta[t]/Rsystemic), 
        Paorta[0] == 90}, {Paorta[t]}, {t, 0, 10}]]),
    (1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10),
    (((1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10) - 
         NDSolve[{Pao'[t] == 
            1/Caorta ((1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10 - Pao[t])/
                Piecewise[{{Ro, 1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10 - Pao[t] > 0}}, 
                 x*Ro] - Pao[t]/Rsystemic), 
           Pao[0] == 90}, {Pao[t]}, {t, 0, 10}]])/Ro)}, {t, 0, 10}, 
  ImageSize -> Large, PlotRange -> Full, 
  PlotLegends -> {"Aortic Pressure", "Pressure in Left Ventricle", "Flow"}],
 {{Caorta, 1/.48}, 1, 6},
 {{Rsystemic, 3.1}, .1, 6},
 {{x, 8000}, 1, 10000},
 {{ω, 2 π}, π, 3 π},
 {{k, 110}, 60, 200},
 {{Ro, .01}, .007, .05}]

Plot has the attribute HoldAll. Evaluate overrides holding an argument exactly when it is the Head of the argument. That's why the placement is important.

Re: Additional request for simplification.

Put the ReplaceAll (/.) outside the list of things to plot. It will, after all, replace all instances of Paorta. :)

    (1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10),
    (((1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10) - Paorta[t])/Ro)
   } /. NDSolve[{Paorta'[t] == 
       1/Caorta ((1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10 - Paorta[t])/
           Piecewise[{{Ro, 1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10 - Paorta[t] > 0}}, 
            x*Ro] - Paorta[t]/Rsystemic), 
      Paorta[0] == 90}, {Paorta[t]}, {t, 0, 10}]
  {t, 0, 10}, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRange -> Full, 
  PlotLegends -> {"Aortic Pressure", "Pressure in Left Ventricle", "Flow"}],
 {{Caorta, 1/.48}, 1, 6},
 {{Rsystemic, 3.1}, .1, 6},
 {{x, 8000}, 1, 10000},
 {{ω, 2 π}, π, 3 π},
 {{k, 110}, 60, 200},
 {{Ro, .01}, .007, .05}]

Perhaps cleaner

w[k_, ω_, t_] := 1/2*k*(1 + Cos[ω t]) + 10;

pnd = ParametricNDSolve[{
   Paorta'[t] == 1/Caorta ((w[k,ω,t] - Paorta@t)/ 
                 Piecewise[{{ρ, w[k,ω,t] - Paorta@t >0}}, x*ρ]- Paorta@t/Rsystemic), 
   Paorta[0] == 90},
   {Paorta}, {t, 0, 10}, {Caorta, k, ω, ρ, x, Rsystemic}]

   {#,  w[k,ω,t], (w[k,ω,t] - #)/ρ} &@(Paorta/.pnd)[Caorta, k, ω, ρ, x, Rsystemic][t],
   {t, 0, 10},  Evaluated -> True,  PlotRange -> Full,
   PlotLegends -> {"Aortic Pressure", "Pressure in Left Ventricle", "Flow"}],
 {{Caorta, 1/.48}, 1, 6},
 {{Rsystemic, 3.1}, .1, 6},
 {{x, 8000}, 1, 10000},
 {{ω, 2 π}, π, 3 π},
 {{k, 110}, 60, 200},
 {{ρ, .01}, .007, .05}]

Mathematica graphics


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