If you want to make several sequences of the Collatz function for turning it into a graph, you probably want to memorize, which parts you already calculated. What we try to do is to create a graph like this (image from xkcd):
When we would calculate the whole chain for each number until it (hopefully) reaches the end sequence 8,4,1 we do a lot of work over and over again. Therefore, we want an algorithm that when calculating 24 stops at 10 if this chain has already be calculated.
A moderately understandable solution is to use a Module
that contains a function which is used as memory
to store, whether a numbers was already seen. Additionally, we use a Internal`Bag
to store all the different chains. The following function takes a list of positive numbers and calculates the Collatz-sequence for each number. It stops each sequence, when it meets a number that has already be seen:
CollatzSequence[list_] := Module[{memory, tmp, chain, result = Internal`Bag[]},
memory[1] = False;
memory[n_] := (memory[n] = False; True);
chain = Internal`Bag[];
tmp = l;
Internal`StuffBag[chain, tmp];
tmp = If[EvenQ[tmp], tmp/2, 3 tmp + 1];
Internal`StuffBag[chain, tmp];
Internal`StuffBag[result, chain],
{l, list}];
Internal`BagPart[#, All] & /@ Internal`BagPart[result, All]
CollatzSequence[{10, 11, 12}]
(* {{10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1}, {11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13, 40, 20,
10}, {12, 6, 3, 10}} *)
This can now easily be used to create a Graph
. It works even for a very large number of chains like say 50000. The only thing you have to do is to turn the list of numbers into list of edges:
Flatten[(Rule @@@ Partition[#, 2, 1]) & /@
PerformanceGoal -> "Speed",
GraphLayout -> {"PackingLayout" -> "ClosestPacking"},
VertexStyle -> Opacity[0.2, RGBColor[44/51, 10/51, 47/255]],
EdgeStyle -> RGBColor[38/255, 139/255, 14/17]]
Another very nice way to visualize Collatz-sequences is to draw them as path which makes left/right turns depending on the whether the number is odd or even. I got inspired by a reddit post and wrote my own version that uses this color scheme. The results look stunningly beautiful
Only for reference, let me give you my uncleaned code for a small Manipulate
that lets you change everything live.
SetAttributes[Collatz, {Listable}];
Collatz[n_, e_, a_, f_] := Module[{nn = n, bag = Internal`Bag[]},
While[nn =!= 1, Internal`StuffBag[bag, nn];
nn = If[EvenQ[nn], nn/2, 3 nn + 1]
Internal`StuffBag[bag, nn];
With[{seq = Reverse[Internal`BagPart[bag, All]]},
AnglePath[Transpose[{seq/(1 + seq^e), a*(f - 2 Mod[seq, 2])}]]]];
astroIntensity[l_, s_, r_, h_, g_] :=
With[{psi = 2 Pi (s/3 + r l), a = h l^g (1 - l^g)/2},
l^g + a*{{-0.14861, 1.78277}, {-0.29227, -0.90649}, {1.97294,
0.0}}.{Cos[psi], Sin[psi]}];
seq = ControlActive[Collatz[Range[5000, 5020], e, a, f],
Collatz[RandomInteger[1000000, {n}], e, a, f]];
Graphics[{Opacity[o], Thickness[ControlActive[0.01, 0.003]],
VertexColors -> (Table[
astroIntensity[l, s, r, h, g], {l, 0, 1,
1/(Length[#] - 1)}] & /@ seq)]}, ImageSize -> 500]
, "Colors", {{s, 2.49}, 0, 3}, {{r, 0.76}, 0, 5}, {{h, 1.815}, 0,
2}, {{g, 1.3}, 0.1, 2}, {{o, 0.5}, 0.1, 1},
{{e, 1.3}, 0.9, 1.8},
{{a, 0.19}, 0.1, 0.3},
{{f, 0.7}, 0.1, 1.5},
{n, 300, 5000, 1}
Many more Collatz visualization strategies and analysis algorithms can be found in this blog post of user vzn.
two arguments even though it only accepts one. Just to mention two problems. $\endgroup$