I would like to use Mathematica to automatically translate some input texts, from one language to the other one, then apply some manipulation of a string on the text. I know how to realize the manipulation of the string, however, I do not know how can I cite the result from Google translation neither how to use Mathematica to give the input text to the webpage.
I believe there should be a solution, however, I have no knowledge about webpage or any relating programming language. So if anyone can give me some suggestions about what material I should read, or, the example notebook of citing the result of webpage will be very appreciated.
, perhaps? $\endgroup$URLFetch[http://www.google.com/translate_c?langpair=en|it&u=http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/85559/how-can-i-use-mathematica-to-get-the-translated-result-from-the-webpage-google]
note theres some interactive prompts so Im guessing it won't work. $\endgroup$