I want to use the $\LaTeX$ font in graphics. For text/numbers, this is easily done by FontFamily -> "CMU Serif"
(on Ubuntu) like this:
Plot[Sin[x], {x, -Pi, Pi},
LabelStyle -> Directive[16, FontFamily -> "CMU Serif"],
AxesLabel -> {"Greek: \[Alpha],\[Beta],\[Gamma]", "Fancy font!"}]
The English text and numbers are in LaTeX computer modern font, which is great, but the Greek is not. For comparison, it should be
This is because Latex does not use computer modern for Greek letters, but rather a font which (in Ubuntu, at least) is called cmmi10
font, as I found by looking at the PDF properties. The Greek letters correspond to characters in the range 161-195, as seen by this picture (obtained in LibreOffice Special character
but sadly only some of them work. The output of
Style[FromCharacterCode[Range[161, 195]], FontFamily -> "cmmi10"]
So for some reason $\beta, \epsilon, \zeta $ and some more are displaying correctly, but others don't. Is there any way to fix this?
? I only tried Latin Modern. I hope my answer is useful but it's only based on some quick research... $\endgroup$