
Suppose that for certain reasons we are not yet using Mathematica version 10, or we have a version with buggy PlotMarkers. It is well known that the default markers are font glyphs, and as a result they are difficult to size consistently, as well as exhibiting inconsistent alignment. Because of this, they are impossible to use in figures intended for publication.

Unfortunately, it is a real nuisance to code markers using graphics primitives, because if we want to use anything apart from the built-in Disk and Rectangle, the size and alignment points have to be tediously worked out case-by-case in order to get nice-looking results. And the useful functions RegionCentroid and RegionMeasure are new in 10, so they cannot help either.

The Polygon graphics primitive seems like an ideal starting point, because we can change its FaceForm and EdgeForm to produce filled or open markers in a wide variety of different styles. But can anything be done so that we do not have to waste our time working out the vertex coordinates for arbitrary polygons, and then calculating their areas and centroids, whenever we just want to make a publication-quality figure?

Since tastes vary, any and all suggestions are welcome.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ The question is about how to get nice results in v9 or earlier. But what problems does v10 really fix? Plot markers are still font glyphs, they are still not properly centred, they are still not properly sized with the Automatic setting (the squares look much smaller than the disks). So what does v10 fix? Edit: Ah, I see, we have to change the PlotTheme, right? But it only seems to have open markers. $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Jul 21, 2015 at 14:56
  • $\begingroup$ @Szabolcs I am not sure, to be honest. As you might have guessed, I am not using version 10 very much yet, partly due to its incredibly tedious "Formatting notebook contents" messages with non-default color profiles, and partly because I am still on Windows 2003 at home. So I wrote this question with the knowledge that something had been improved in version 10, but not really exactly what or how much. If you think the question can be improved, please feel free to edit it. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 21, 2015 at 18:37

3 Answers 3


Based on Oleksandr's excellent design idea here is my re-implementation of his package which offers a much richer set of shapes.

UPDATE from July 2022

A minor update: now the form PolygonMarker[shape, spec, positions], where spec contains numeric specification for size, returns a list of Polygon graphics primitives with centroids placed at positions (instead of a Translate object, as it was earlier). This change makes straightforward producing explicit primitives intended for the Region-based functionality. As always, this version has no incompatible changes.

Added fouth example under the "Scope" section on the Documentation page for PolygonMarker, which uses the Region-based functionality for producing a high-quality vector figure. This example is also published in this post.

The GitHib version, the WFR version and this post are updated. The package code has now been removed from this post due to exceeding the 30,000 character limit per post.

UPDATE from February 2022

New version is published in the WFR! This version introduces new PolygonMarker[shape, {size, angle}] syntax form, which allows to specify the rotation angle for the shape. Added new built-in shapes: "DancingStar", "DancingStarRight", "DancingStarThick", "DancingStarThickRight", "FivePointedStarSlim", "SixfoldPinwheel", "SixfoldPinwheelRight", "SevenfoldPinwheel", "SevenfoldPinwheelRight". As always, this version has no incompatible changes.

UPDATE from July 2021

New version came out! Now it allows direct generation of Graphics objects that can be immediately used as markers for PlotMarkers. The new version contains no incompatible changes.

The Wolfram Function Repository version is also updated, but now it differs from the version published here and on GitHub in the sense that it does not include the general-purpose functions used to generate the built-in shapes on the fly at the package loading time. It was a decision made by the reviewer to define them simply as lists of points, probably for better performance. The functionality and syntax are the same.

UPDATE from October 2019

Now my function is published in the Wolfram Function Repository what means that it is available for users of Mathematica version 12.0 or higher as ResourceFunction["PolygonMarker"]. Users of previous versions should install the package as described below (the functionality is the same).

How to install the package

The most recent version of the package can be installed from GitHub by evaluating the following:

(* Load the package code *)
package = 
  Import["http://raw.github.com/AlexeyPopkov/PolygonPlotMarkers/master/PolygonPlotMarkers.m", "Text"];

(* Install the package (existing file will be overwritten!) *)
Export[FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications", 
    "PolygonPlotMarkers.m"}], package, "Text"];

For manual installation copy the code from GitHub, and save it as "PolygonPlotMarkers.m" in the directory SystemOpen[FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications"}]].

Description of the package

  • The basic usage syntax is PolygonMarker[shape, spec] where shape is a name of built-in shape or a list of 2D coordinates describing a non-selfintersecting polygon, and spec can be either size or {size, angle}.

  • The size can be given as a number or in Scaled or Offset form.

  • The angle in radians determines the angle of counterclocwise rotation of shape about its centroid.

  • PolygonMarker[All] and PolygonMarker[] return the list of names of built-in shapes.

  • PolygonMarker[shape, spec] returns Polygon graphics primitive which can be used in Graphics.

  • PolygonMarker[shape, size, style], where style is a list of graphics directives applied to shape, returns a Graphics object which can be used as a marker for PlotMarkers.

  • PolygonMarker[shape, size, style, options] returns a Graphics object with options applied.

  • With Offset size specification the plot marker has fixed size specified in printer's points independent of the size of the plot.

  • PolygonMarkers with identical size specifications have equal areas (not counting the area taken by the edge of generated Polygon). PolygonMarker[shape, size] returns shape with area size2 in the internal coordinate system of Graphics. PolygonMarker[shape, Offset[size]] returns shape with area size2 square printer's points.

  • The centroid of polygon returned by PolygonMarker[shape, size] is always placed at {0, 0} in the internal coordinate system of Graphics.

  • PolygonMarker[shape, spec, positions] where positions is a list of 2D coordinates evaluates and spec contains numeric specification for size, returns a list of Polygon graphics primitives with centroids placed at positions.

  • PolygonMarker[shape, spec, positions] where positions is a list of 2D coordinates and spec contains Scaled or Offset specification for size, evaluates to Translate[PolygonMarker[shape, size], positions]. It represents a collection of multiple identical copies of the shape with centroids placed at positions.

Basic examples of use

The complete list of built-in named shapes:


allShapes = PolygonMarker[All]
Tooltip[PolygonMarker[#, 1,
    {FaceForm[Hue@Random[]], EdgeForm[{Black, AbsoluteThickness[0.5], JoinForm["Miter"]}]}, 
    {ImageSize -> 30, PlotRange -> 1.5, PlotRangePadding -> 0, ImagePadding -> 0}], #] & /@ allShapes
{"TripleCross", "Y", "UpTriangle", "UpTriangleTruncated", 
"DownTriangle", "DownTriangleTruncated", "LeftTriangle", 
"LeftTriangleTruncated", "RightTriangle", "RightTriangleTruncated", 
"ThreePointedStar", "Cross", "DiagonalCross", "Diamond", "Square", 
"FourPointedStar", "DiagonalFourPointedStar", "FivefoldCross", 
"Pentagon", "FivePointedStar", "FivePointedStarSlim", 
"FivePointedStarThick", "DancingStar", "DancingStarRight", 
"DancingStarThick", "DancingStarThickRight", "SixfoldCross", 
"Hexagon", "SixPointedStar", "SixPointedStarSlim", "SixfoldPinwheel", 
"SixfoldPinwheelRight", "SevenfoldCross", "SevenPointedStar",
"SevenPointedStarNeat", "SevenPointedStarSlim", "SevenfoldPinwheel", 
"SevenfoldPinwheelRight", "EightfoldCross", "Disk", "H", "I", "N", 
"Z", "S", "Sw", "Sl"}

all available shapes

Automatic plot legends (Mathematica 10 or higher) often require a larger value for the LegendMarkerSize option in order to avoid cropping. Filled markers which pick up PlotStyle and PlotTheme automatically:

fm[name_String, size_ : 8] := PolygonMarker[name, Offset[size], EdgeForm[]];

ListPlot[Table[Accumulate@RandomReal[1, 10] + i, {i, 6}], 
 PlotMarkers -> 
  fm /@ {"Triangle", "Y", "Diamond", "ThreePointedStar", "FivePointedStar", "TripleCross"}, 
 PlotStyle -> ColorData[54, "ColorList"], Joined -> True, 
 PlotLegends -> 
  PointLegend[Automatic, LegendMarkerSize -> {50, 37}, 
   LegendLayout -> (Column[Row /@ #, Spacings -> -1] &)], 
 ImageSize -> 450]


Empty markers which pick up PlotStyle and PlotTheme automatically:

em[name_String, size_ : 7] := PolygonMarker[name, Offset[size],
   {Dynamic@EdgeForm@Directive[CurrentValue["Color"], JoinForm["Round"], AbsoluteThickness[2], Opacity[1]], FaceForm[White]}, ImagePadding -> 6];

ListPlot[Table[Accumulate@RandomReal[1, 10] + i, {i, 3}], 
 PlotMarkers -> em /@ {"Triangle", "Square", "Diamond"}, 
 Joined -> True, 
 PlotLegends -> PointLegend[Automatic, LegendMarkerSize -> {40, 25}], ImageSize -> 450]

ListPlot[Table[Accumulate@RandomReal[1, 10] + i, {i, 3}], 
 PlotMarkers -> em /@ {"Triangle", "Square", "Diamond"}, 
 Joined -> True, 
 PlotLegends -> PointLegend[Automatic, LegendMarkerSize -> {40, 25}], 
 PlotTheme -> "Marketing", ImageSize -> 450]



Filled markers with lighter filling colors:

fm2[name_String, size_ : 9] := PolygonMarker[name, Offset@size, {
    Dynamic@EdgeForm[{CurrentValue["Color"], Opacity[1]}],
    Dynamic@FaceForm@Lighter[CurrentValue["Color"], 0.75]}];

data = Table[{x, BesselJ[k, x]}, {k, 0, 2}, {x, 0, 10, 0.5}];

 PlotMarkers -> fm2 /@ {"UpTriangle", "Square", "Circle"}, 
 Joined -> True, Frame -> True, Axes -> False, ImageSize -> 450, 
 PlotRangePadding -> {Scaled[.05], Scaled[.1]}]


Advanced usage

The third argument of PolygonMarker can be used to specify the coordinate(s) where the shape should be placed:



Construct a list plot directly from graphics primitives:

data = Table[{x, BesselJ[k, x]}, {k, 0, 3}, {x, 0, 10, 0.5}];
markers = {"Circle", "ThreePointedStar", "FourPointedStar", "FivePointedStar"};
colors = {Blue, Red, Darker@Green, Darker@Yellow};
Graphics[Table[{colors[[i]], Line[data[[i]]], FaceForm[White], 
   EdgeForm[{colors[[i]], AbsoluteThickness[1], JoinForm["Miter"]}], 
   PolygonMarker[markers[[i]], Offset[7], data[[i]]]}, {i, 
   Length[data]}], AspectRatio -> 1/2, ImageSize -> 450, 
 Frame -> True]


Construct a custom list plot where open plot markers have transparent faces for each other (but not for the lines):

data = Table[{x, BesselJ[k, x]}, {k, 0, 4}, {x, 0, 10, 0.5}];
markers = {"Circle", "ThreePointedStar", "FourPointedStar", "DiagonalFourPointedStar", "FivePointedStar"};
colors = {Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange};
background = Darker@Gray;
Graphics[{Table[{colors[[i]], AbsoluteThickness[1.5], Line[data[[i]]], FaceForm[background], EdgeForm[None], 
    PolygonMarker[markers[[i]], Offset[7], data[[i]]]}, {i, Length[data]}], 
  Table[{FaceForm[None], EdgeForm[{colors[[i]], AbsoluteThickness[1.5], JoinForm["Miter"]}], 
    PolygonMarker[markers[[i]], Offset[7], data[[i]]]}, {i, Length[data]}]}, AspectRatio -> 1/2, ImageSize -> 500, 
 Frame -> True, Background -> background, FrameStyle -> White, 
 ImagePadding -> {{30, 20}, {25, 20}}]


Neat Examples

Center markers which pick up PlotStyle and PlotTheme automatically:

cfm[name_String, size_ : 9] := Show[
   PolygonMarker[name, Offset@size, {FaceForm[White],
     Dynamic@EdgeForm[{CurrentValue["Color"], AbsoluteThickness[1], Opacity[1]}]}],
   PolygonMarker[name, Offset[size/2], EdgeForm[None]]];

data = Table[{x, BesselJ[k, x]}, {k, 0, 2}, {x, 0, 10, 0.5}];

 PlotMarkers -> cfm /@ {"UpTriangle", "Square", "Circle"}, 
 Joined -> True, Frame -> True, Axes -> False, ImageSize -> 450, 
 PlotRangePadding -> {Scaled[.05], Scaled[.1]}, 
 PlotLegends -> PointLegend[Automatic, LegendMarkerSize -> {40, 30}], 
 ImageSize -> 450]


Half filled markers which pick up PlotStyle and PlotTheme automatically:

hfm1[name_String, size_ : 9] := Show[
   PolygonMarker[name, Offset@size, {FaceForm[White],
     Dynamic@EdgeForm[{CurrentValue["Color"], AbsoluteThickness[1], Opacity[1]}]}],
   PolygonMarker[name, Offset@size, 
     EdgeForm[None]] /. {x_?Negative, y_?NumericQ} :> {0, y}];

data = Table[{x, BesselJ[k, x]}, {k, 0, 2}, {x, 0, 10, 0.5}];

 PlotMarkers -> hfm1 /@ {"UpTriangle", "Square", "Circle"}, 
 Joined -> True, Frame -> True, Axes -> False, ImageSize -> 450, 
 PlotRangePadding -> {Scaled[.05], Scaled[.1]}, 
 PlotLegends -> PointLegend[Automatic, LegendMarkerSize -> {40, 30}], 
 ImageSize -> 450]


hfm2[name_String, size_ : 9] := Show[
   PolygonMarker[name, Offset@size, {
     Dynamic@EdgeForm[{CurrentValue["Color"], AbsoluteThickness[1], Opacity[1]}]}],
       Rectangle[{-10, -10}, {10, 0}]], 
      p : {x_, y_} :> Offset[size p, {0, 0}], {-2}]}]];

data = Table[{x, BesselJ[k, x]}, {k, 0, 3}, {x, 0, 10, 0.5}];

 PlotMarkers -> 
  hfm2 /@ {"Diamond", "Square", "Circle", "RightTriangle"}, 
 Joined -> True, Frame -> True, Axes -> False, ImageSize -> 450, 
 PlotRangePadding -> {Scaled[.05], Scaled[.1]}, 
 PlotLegends -> PointLegend[Automatic, LegendMarkerSize -> {40, 30}], 
 ImageSize -> 450]


Contrast markers which pick up PlotStyle and PlotTheme automatically:

cfm2[name_String, size_ : 9] := Show[
   PolygonMarker[name, Offset@size, {
     Dynamic@EdgeForm[{CurrentValue["Color"], AbsoluteThickness[1], Opacity[1]}]}],
        Triangle[{{-10, 10}, {10, 10}, {0, 0}}]], 
       Triangle[{{-10, -10}, {10, -10}, {0, 0}}]], 
      p : {x_, y_} :> Offset[size p, {0, 0}], {-2}]}]];

data = Table[{x, BesselJ[k, x]}, {k, 0, 3}, {x, 0, 10, 0.5}];

 PlotMarkers -> 
  cfm2 /@ {"Diamond", "Square", "Circle", "DiagonalFourPointedStar"}, 
 Joined -> True, Frame -> True, Axes -> False, ImageSize -> 450, 
 PlotRangePadding -> {Scaled[.05], Scaled[.1]}, 
 PlotLegends -> PointLegend[Automatic, LegendMarkerSize -> {40, 30}], ImageSize -> 450]


The package allows the usage of an arbitrary polygon as a plot marker. Here is an auxiliary function that converts a simple glyph into a set of points suitable for PolygonMarker:

pts[l_String] := 
     ExportString[Style[l, FontFamily -> "Verdana", FontSize -> 20], "PDF"],
     If[$VersionNumber >= 12.2, {"PDF", "PageGraphics"}, {"PDF", "Pages"}]], 
    c_FilledCurve :> c[[2, 1]], Infinity]];

(This conversion is approximate. If the precise conversion is needed one can apply one of the methods described in "How can I adaptively simplify a curved shape?")

An example of use:



Here is an example of a black-and-white plot where the markers overlap considerably, I use here some of the symbols recommended by William Cleveland in his early works:



Additional examples and explanations can be found in the following answers:

  • $\begingroup$ I updated my answer to be compatible with the additions you made in yours, and to correct the placement/shape of the stars and crosses. (Actually, I just copied your crosses.) I didn't want to apply N to my definitions, but I was worried about the performance of your stars, so I defined some slightly different ones that can be represented as Root expressions. That seemed like the best compromise between exactness and performance to me. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 3, 2015 at 22:34
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Neat! A tiny suggestion: why not have the list of supported shapes be in the package itself, maybe something like $KnownMarkerShapes, or a property just like in the curated data functions. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 3, 2015 at 22:45
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ This is, simply put, great. Even with v10---the dearth of plot markers can be quite restrictive. +1 this and @OleksandrR. $\endgroup$
    – evanb
    Commented Jun 3, 2015 at 22:50
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ There seems to be a new way to convert text to outlines in version 10.x. I just discovered this the other day. Check the documentation of BoundaryDiscretizeGraphics: Show@BoundaryDiscretizeGraphics[Text["A"], _Text] $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Jul 16, 2015 at 7:24
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @geordie Yes, please install the package first. Instructions are in the top section: "How to install the package." Then you should evaluate Needs["PolygonPlotMarkers`"] before using it. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 2, 2018 at 5:41

Fortunately, Wikipedia has the answer, as long as we are content to restrict ourselves to non-intersecting closed polygons. This will probably be an acceptable limitation, given that excessively complicated plot markers tend to look slightly distracting anyway.

Because we seek an aesthetic rather than rigorously well defined result, we do not need to be mathematically precise with the way that the polygons are scaled, provided that the centroids are accurate and they all look subjectively about the same size. So, I propose to normalize them by area, and if this does not look quite right, adjustments can be made until a tasteful result is obtained.

We code it in Mathematica (please see also the GitHub repository for downloads):




ClearAll[ centroidAndScale];
 centroidAndScale[coords : {{_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} ..}] :=
    x = coords[[All, 1]], y = coords[[All, 2]],
    i = Range@Length[coords]
     xi = x[[i]], yi = y[[i]],
     j = Mod[i + 1, Length[coords], 1]
      xj = x[[j]], yj = y[[j]]
       area = 1/2 (xi.yj - xj.yi),
       factor = xi yj - xj yi
        centroid = 1/(6 area) {(xi + xj).factor, (yi + yj).factor}
       Transpose[{x, y} - centroid]/Sqrt@Abs[area]

ngon[n_Integer /; n >= 3, phase_?NumericQ] :=
    {Sin[2 Pi k/n + phase], Cos[2 Pi k/n + phase]},
    {k, 0, n - 1}

coords["UpTriangle"] = ngon[3, 0];
coords["DownTriangle"] = ngon[3, Pi/3];
coords["LeftTriangle"] = ngon[3, Pi/6];
coords["RightTriangle"] = ngon[3, -Pi/6];
coords["DiagonalSquare" | "Diamond"] = ngon[4, 0];
coords["Square"] = ngon[4, Pi/4];
coords["Pentagon"] = ngon[5, 0];
coords["FivePointedStar"] = {
   {0, Root[1296 - 4500 #1^4 + 3125 #1^8 &, 4, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 900 #1^4 + 162000 #1^8 &, 3, 0], Root[1 - 22500 #1^4 + 4050000 #1^8 &, 4, 0]},
   {Root[81 - 1800 #1^4 + 2000 #1^8 &, 4, 0], Root[81 - 9000 #1^4 + 50000 #1^8 &, 3, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 1800 #1^4 + 162000 #1^8 &, 4, 0], Root[1 - 9000 #1^4 + 4050000 #1^8 &, 2, 0]},
   {Root[81 - 900 #1^4 + 2000 #1^8 &, 3, 0], Root[81 - 22500 #1^4 + 50000 #1^8 &, 1, 0]},
   {0, Root[16 - 4500 #1^4 + 253125 #1^8 &, 1, 0]},
   {Root[81 - 900 #1^4 + 2000 #1^8 &, 2, 0], Root[81 - 22500 #1^4 + 50000 #1^8 &, 1, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 1800 #1^4 + 162000 #1^8 &, 1, 0], Root[1 - 9000 #1^4 + 4050000 #1^8 &, 2, 0]},
   {Root[81 - 1800 #1^4 + 2000 #1^8 &, 1, 0], Root[81 - 9000 #1^4 + 50000 #1^8 &, 3, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 900 #1^4 + 162000 #1^8 &, 2, 0], Root[1 - 22500 #1^4 + 4050000 #1^8 &, 4, 0]}
coords["Hexagon"] = ngon[6, 0];
coords["SixPointedStar"] = {
   {0, Sqrt[2/3]}, {1/(2 Sqrt[6]), 1/(2 Sqrt[2])}, {1/Sqrt[2], 1/Sqrt[6]},
   {1/Sqrt[6], 0}, {1/Sqrt[2], -(1/Sqrt[6])}, {1/(2 Sqrt[6]), -1/(2 Sqrt[2])},
   {0, -Sqrt[2/3]}, {-1/(2 Sqrt[6]), -1/(2 Sqrt[2])}, {-(1/Sqrt[2]), -(1/Sqrt[6])},
   {-(1/Sqrt[6]), 0}, {-(1/Sqrt[2]), 1/Sqrt[6]}, {-1/(2 Sqrt[6]), 1/(2 Sqrt[2])}
coords["SixfoldPinwheel"] = {
   {0, Root[-25 + 27 #1^4 &, 2, 0]},
   {Root[-1 + 75 #1^4 &, 2, 0], Root[-1 + 675 #1^4 &, 2, 0]},
   {Root[-25 + 48 #1^4 &, 2, 0], Root[-25 + 432 #1^4 &, 2, 0]},
   {Root[-1 + 75 #1^4 &, 2, 0], Root[-1 + 675 #1^4 &, 1, 0]},
   {Root[-25 + 48 #1^4 &, 2, 0], Root[-25 + 432 #1^4 &, 1, 0]},
   {0, Root[-16 + 675 #1^4 &, 1, 0]}, {0, Root[-25 + 27 #1^4 &, 1, 0]},
   {Root[-1 + 75 #1^4 &, 1, 0], Root[-1 + 675 #1^4 &, 1, 0]},
   {Root[-25 + 48 #1^4 &, 1, 0], Root[-25 + 432 #1^4 &, 1, 0]},
   {Root[-1 + 75 #1^4 &, 1, 0], Root[-1 + 675 #1^4 &, 2, 0]},
   {Root[-25 + 48 #1^4 &, 1, 0], Root[-25 + 432 #1^4 &, 2, 0]},
   {0, Root[-16 + 675 #1^4 &, 2, 0]}
coords["EightPointedStar"] = {
   {0, Root[1 - 16 #1^4 + 32 #1^8 &, 4, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 2048 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 3, 0], Root[1 - 10240 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 4, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 64 #1^4 + 512 #1^8 &, 4, 0], Root[1 - 64 #1^4 + 512 #1^8 &, 4, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 10240 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 4, 0], Root[1 - 2048 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 3, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 16 #1^4 + 32 #1^8 &, 4, 0], 0},
   {Root[1 - 10240 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 4, 0], Root[1 - 2048 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 2, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 64 #1^4 + 512 #1^8 &, 4, 0], Root[1 - 64 #1^4 + 512 #1^8 &, 1, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 2048 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 3, 0], Root[1 - 10240 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 1, 0]},
   {0, Root[1 - 16 #1^4 + 32 #1^8 &, 1, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 2048 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 2, 0], Root[1 - 10240 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 1, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 64 #1^4 + 512 #1^8 &, 1, 0], Root[1 - 64 #1^4 + 512 #1^8 &, 1, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 10240 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 1, 0], Root[1 - 2048 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 2, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 16 #1^4 + 32 #1^8 &, 1, 0], 0},
   {Root[1 - 10240 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 1, 0], Root[1 - 2048 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 3, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 64 #1^4 + 512 #1^8 &, 1, 0], Root[1 - 64 #1^4 + 512 #1^8 &, 4, 0]},
   {Root[1 - 2048 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 2, 0], Root[1 - 10240 #1^4 + 524288 #1^8 &, 4, 0]}
coords["EightfoldPinwheel"] = {
   {0, Root[-1 + 2 #1^4 &, 2, 0]},
   {Root[-1 + 128 #1^4 &, 2, 0], Root[-1 + 128 #1^4 &, 2, 0]},
   {Root[-1 + 8 #1^4 &, 2, 0], Root[-1 + 8 #1^4 &, 2, 0]},
   {Root[-1 + 32 #1^4 &, 2, 0], 0},
   {Root[-1 + 2 #1^4 &, 2, 0], 0},
   {Root[-1 + 128 #1^4 &, 2, 0], Root[-1 + 128 #1^4 &, 1, 0]},
   {Root[-1 + 8 #1^4 &, 2, 0], Root[-1 + 8 #1^4 &, 1, 0]},
   {0, Root[-1 + 32 #1^4 &, 1, 0]},
   {0, Root[-1 + 2 #1^4 &, 1, 0]},
   {Root[-1 + 128 #1^4 &, 1, 0], Root[-1 + 128 #1^4 &, 1, 0]},
   {Root[-1 + 8 #1^4 &, 1, 0], Root[-1 + 8 #1^4 &, 1, 0]},
   {Root[-1 + 32 #1^4 &, 1, 0], 0},
   {Root[-1 + 2 #1^4 &, 1, 0], 0},
   {Root[-1 + 128 #1^4 &, 1, 0], Root[-1 + 128 #1^4 &, 2, 0]},
   {Root[-1 + 8 #1^4 &, 1, 0], Root[-1 + 8 #1^4 &, 2, 0]},
   {0, Root[-1 + 32 #1^4 &, 2, 0]}
coords["Cross"] = 
  centroidAndScale@With[{a = 1/6}, 
    Join @@ NestList[#.{{0, -1}, {1, 0}} &, {{-a, 1}, {a, 1}, {a, a}}, 3]
coords["DiagonalCross"] = coords["Cross"].RotationMatrix[Pi/4];

PolygonMarker[name_String, size_?NumericQ, 
   offset : {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} : {0, 0}] :=
  Polygon@Transpose[Transpose[size coords[name]] + offset];
PolygonMarker[name_String, Scaled[size_?NumericQ], 
   offset : {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} : {0, 0}] :=
  Polygon[Scaled[size #, offset] & /@ coords[name]];
PolygonMarker[coords : {{_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} ..}, size_?NumericQ, 
   offset : {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} : {0, 0}] :=
  Polygon@Transpose[Transpose[size centroidAndScale[coords]] + offset];
PolygonMarker[coords : {{_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} ..}, 
   offset : {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} : {0, 0}] :=
  Polygon[Scaled[size #, offset] & /@ centroidAndScale[coords]];



Here, the coordinates of the polygons other than the n-gons have come from the font glyphs after converting them to outlines, centroiding, and scaling.

The polygon sizes can be given either in absolute or scaled forms, and the results look okay:

  FaceForm[Blue], EdgeForm@Directive[Red, Thickness[0.02]],
  PolygonMarker["DiagonalCross", Scaled[0.2], {0.5, 0.5}],
  FaceForm[Green], EdgeForm@Directive[Black, Thickness[0.02]],
  PolygonMarker["UpTriangle", Scaled[0.2], {-0.5, 0.5}],
  FaceForm[Yellow], EdgeForm@Directive[Blue, Thickness[0.02]],
  PolygonMarker["FivePointedStar", Scaled[0.2], {-0.5, -0.5}],
  FaceForm[Black], EdgeForm@Directive[Purple, Thickness[0.02]],
  PolygonMarker["SixfoldPinwheel", Scaled[0.2], {0.5, -0.5}]
  }, Axes -> True, PlotRange -> {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}, 
 GridLines -> {{-0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.5}}

plot of four of the polygons

Here are all of them together:

shapes = {
   "UpTriangle", "DownTriangle", "LeftTriangle",
   "RightTriangle", "Cross", "DiagonalCross",
   "Diamond", "Square", "Pentagon",
   "FivePointedStar", "Hexagon", "SixPointedStar",
   "SixfoldPinwheel", "EightPointedStar", "EightfoldPinwheel"
    FaceForm[Hue@Random[]], EdgeForm@Directive[Black, Thickness[0.03]],
    PolygonMarker[#, Scaled[1]]
    }, ImageSize -> 40] & /@ shapes

all named plot markers together

Let's check it as an actual plot marker:

 ConstantArray[Range[5], 4] + Range[0, 6, 2],
 PlotStyle -> Black, Joined -> True,
 PlotMarkers -> {
   Graphics[{FaceForm[Red], EdgeForm[Red], 
     PolygonMarker["FivePointedStar", Scaled[0.05]]}],
   Graphics[{FaceForm[None], EdgeForm[Green], 
     PolygonMarker["UpTriangle", Scaled[0.05]]}],
   Graphics[{FaceForm[Blue], EdgeForm[Blue], 
     PolygonMarker["DiagonalSquare", Scaled[0.05]]}],
   Graphics[{FaceForm[None], EdgeForm[Black], 
     Disk[{0, 0}, Scaled[0.03]]}]
 PlotRange -> {{0, 6}, All}

polygonal PlotMarkers used on a ListPlot

Everything seems good. It may not look absolutely perfect on-screen, because graphics objects are snapped to the pixel grid for display. But exporting the resulting plot as e.g. a PDF file will demonstrate that the placement is correct.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Excellent! Off-center PlotMarkers have been irking me intermittently (but reliably) . $\endgroup$
    – Yves Klett
    Commented May 31, 2015 at 17:28
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Notes: I implemented the shoelace method for area here, and a procedure for the centroid here. Could be useful… :) $\endgroup$ Commented May 31, 2015 at 17:32
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The only downside: now I'll have to redo quite a few figures right away. $\endgroup$
    – Yves Klett
    Commented May 31, 2015 at 17:35
  • $\begingroup$ @J.M. your formulations are considerably more elegant than mine. I suppose that's what comes of knowing where these expressions come from, rather than just copying a result from Wikipedia out of sheer frustration. $\endgroup$ Commented May 31, 2015 at 17:40
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @J.M. on the other hand, my formulation evaluates in about one sixth of the time for a 1 million point polygon. Of course it's open to question whether it is sensible to consider such a polygon anyway... $\endgroup$ Commented May 31, 2015 at 17:54

Here is an alternative answer. Of course, since you answered your own question, you may not need this. But I think the following is a viable alternative that may end up looking comparable, and has additional dynamic features.

Instead of ListPlot, just use BubbleChart.

data = ConstantArray[Range[5], 4] + Range[0, 6, 2];

newData = Map[MapIndexed[Join[#2, {#, 1}] &, #] &, data];

Show[BubbleChart[newData, BubbleSizes -> {.05, .05}, 
  ChartElementFunction -> {ChartElementDataFunction["MarkerBubble", 
     "Shape" -> "Diamond", "Filled" -> False],
    ChartElementDataFunction["MarkerBubble", "Shape" -> "Square", 
     "Filled" -> True],
     "Polyhedron" -> "Octahedron"], 
    ChartElementDataFunction["MarkerBubble", "Shape" -> "CirclePlus", 
     "Filled" -> False]}],


This example with a lot of customizations shows that the marker alignment in BubbleChart is quite reliable when you use one of the "MarkerBubble" chart elements. The alignment can still look bad if you use bubbles that are not of the type "MarkerBubble".

Of course, the variety of shapes is more limited, but there is a special palette called Chart Element Schemes in the menu bar, which lets you choose the appearance interactively. And of course you can also design your own markers, analogously to ListPlot. I did something along those lines here.

  • $\begingroup$ Good suggestion. I hadn't considered this. Thanks. $\endgroup$ Commented May 31, 2015 at 21:47
  • $\begingroup$ It is worth to add that we have also built-in (but undocumented) ChartElementData["PlotMarkers"] as uncovered in this answer by rcollyer. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 25, 2015 at 16:20
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks @AlexeyPopkov, I just looked at that answer and I like it... $\endgroup$
    – Jens
    Commented Sep 25, 2015 at 16:37

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