I am attempting to solve a three-body problem using the Lagrange formalism, with a 1/r potential.
I started off by defining T and U (kinetic and potential energy) as follows:
Tx = .5 m1 x1'[t]^2 + .5 m2 x2'[t]^2 + .5 m3 x3'[t]^2;
Ty = .5 m1 y1'[t]^2 + .5 m2 y2'[t]^2 + .5 m3 y3'[t]^2;
U1 = G m1 m2 /((x1[t] - x2[t])^2 + (y1[t] - y2[t])^2)^.5 +
G m1 m3 /((x1[t] - x3[t])^2 + (y1[t] - y3[t])^2)^.5;
U2 = G m2 m1 /((x2[t] - x1[t])^2 + (y2[t] - y1[t])^2)^.5 +
G m2 m3 /((x2[t] - x3[t])^2 + (y2[t] - y3[t])^2)^.5;
U3 = G m3 m1 /((x3[t] - x1[t])^2 + (y3[t] - y1[t])^2)^.5 +
G m3 m2 /((x3[t] - x2[t])^2 + (y3[t] - y2[t])^2)^.5;
U = U1 + U2 + U3;
T = Tx + Ty;
lag = T - U;
And assigning arbitrary values to constants.
Where x1[t]
and y1[t]
are the x and y coordinates of mass 1, and the same for masses 2 and 3.
From here, I found the Euler-Lagrange EQs via the function
EL[q_] := D[lag, q] - Dt[D[lag, D[q, t]], t];
Where I input x1[t], x2[t], etc.
as q. I stored them in a list such that
eqnx[1] = EL[x1[t]] == 0 // FullSimplify;
eqny[1] = EL[y1[t]] == 0 // FullSimplify;
And changed indices for the other functions (ie the E-L equation for x2 was stored in eqnx[2], etc). I combined all these elements, along with ICs, into a master list.
IC1 = {x1[0] == 0, y1[0] == 0, x1'[0] == 0, y1'[0] == 0};
IC2 = {x2[0] == 10, y2[0] == 0, x2'[0] == 0, y2'[0] == 0};
IC3 = {x3[0] == 0, y3[0] == 15, x3'[0] == 0, y3'[0] == 0};
eqnlist = Join[delist, IC1, IC2, IC3];
Where delist was created by joining all the elements of eqnx and eqny.
I then plugged eqnlist into NDSolve with arbitrary bounds of t (since DSolve could/would not solve a complicated, non-linear system of ODEs for me) as follows:
soln = NDSolve[eqnlist, {x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3}, {t, 0, 20}][[1]];
From here, I am stuck. soln is a list with six elements, each corresponding to one of the functions I want, but I am unable to store them into x1[t], y1[t], etc
; when I run
Plot[x1[t], {t,0,20}]
I get a blank screen for x1 and every other function. Rather annoying! This makes it impossible for me to even animate it; I created points as follows:
point1 = Graphics[{PointSize[Medium], Red,
Point[Dynamic[{x1[t], y1[t]}]]}];
With the indices and colors changed for masses 2 and 3, and have set up Animate as follows:
Animate[Show[point1, point2, point3], {t, 0, 20}]
I am not sure how to resolve my assigning-functions-properly problem, and I am reasonably sure that this may solve my animation problem (or it could be that my animation is bugged to begin with!).
does nothing at all? Specifically, it doesn't assign anything to x1. You need to add an assignment otherwise the result of this replacement will be thrown away unused. $\endgroup$