
[The following is based on a William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition problem.]

Consider the definite integral:

$I = \int\limits_2^4 \frac{\sqrt{\log (9-x)}}{\sqrt{\log (9-x)}+\sqrt{\log (x+3)}} \, dx$

Mathematica's numerical integration yields the answer directly:

NIntegrate[Sqrt[Log[9 - x]]/(Sqrt[Log[9 - x]] + Sqrt[Log[x + 3]]), {x, 2, 4}]

(* 1. *)

However, the symbolic integration does not:

Integrate[Sqrt[Log[9 - x]]/(Sqrt[Log[9 - x]] + Sqrt[Log[x + 3]]), {x, 2, 4}]

Note, though, that with the proper substitution, the integral can be solved symbolically. As the integration variable $x$ goes from $2 \rightarrow 4$, then the term $9 - x$ goes $7 \rightarrow 5$ and the term $x + 3$ goes $5 \rightarrow 7$. This symmetry suggests the substitution $x = 6 - y$ and reversing the limits of integration. This substitution gives the integral:

$I = \int\limits_2^4 {\sqrt{\log (y+3)} \over \sqrt{\log (y+3)} + \sqrt{\log (9-y)}} dy$

and so:

$2I = \int\limits_2^4 {\sqrt{\log (x+3)} + \sqrt{\log (9-x)} \over \sqrt{\log (x + 3)} + \sqrt{\log (9 - x)}} dx = \int\limits_2^4 dx = 2$

and thus $I = 1$.

Mathematica would have to be quite "clever" in finding the symmetry of the integrand given the integral's limits and performing the substitutions.


Is there any general approach (with FullSimplify, for instance) in which Mathematica could solve this integral symbolically?


3 Answers 3


If you guess the symmetry around x == 3, a simple approach is

integrand[x_] = 
   Sqrt[Log[9 - x]]/(Sqrt[Log[9 - x]] + Sqrt[Log[x + 3]]);

Integrate[integrand[3 - y] + integrand[3 + y], {y, 0, 1}]

(*   1   *)

This is clear, because

integrand[3 - x] + integrand[3 + x] // Simplify

(*   1   *)

A general approach is with Series.

ser = Series[integrand[x], {x, 3, 4}] // Normal

(*   1/2 - (-3 + x)/(24 Log[6]) + 
          ((-3 + x)^3 (-3 - 6 Log[6] - 4 Log[6]^2))/(10368 Log[6]^3)   *)

Since you get only series coefficients with odd powers of (x-3), these all vanish.

Integrate[ser, {x, 2, 4}]

(*   1   *)

This problem has a one-line solution

Integrate[Sqrt[Log[9 - x]]/(Sqrt[Log[9 - x]] + Sqrt[Log[x + 3]]) /. {x -> y + 3}, {y, -1, 1}] 
(* 1 *)

One just needs to hint MA about a symmetric form of the integral.


From my answer to Integration Help :

SetAttributes[symmetrizeIntegrate, HoldAll];
symmetrizeIntegrate[Integrate[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, opts___]] := 
 Integrate[(f + (f /. x -> a + b - x))/2, {x, a, b}, opts]

  Sqrt[Log[9 - x]]/(Sqrt[Log[9 - x]] + Sqrt[Log[x + 3]]),
  {x, 2, 4}] // symmetrizeIntegrate
(*  1  *)

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