Yes, there is!
One way to do such things more quickly:
multinomialRangedIP[n_, ps_, min_, max_] :=
Total[PDF[MultinomialDistribution[n, ps], Permutations@#] & /@
IntegerPartitions[n, {Length@ps}, Range[min, max]], 2]
Using the OP example,
multinomialRangedIP[50, N@{1/2, 3/8, 1/16, 1/16}, 5, 20]
is over 200X faster. That advantage grows as the number of trials/categories increases.
However, with large enough cases, even this becomes impractical (although it will always return a 0 result quickly for impossible configurations).
Another technique I use for larger cases:
multinomialRanged[n_, ps_, min_, max_] :=
Module[{ups = MapIndexed[(#1/Total[ps[[First@#2 ;;]]]) &, ps], sa, lp = Length@ps, pr},
pr[nx_, sk_, sk1_, pk_, minx_: 0, maxx_: n] :=
Piecewise[{{0, sk < sk || sk - sk1 > maxx || sk - sk1 < minx},
{Binomial[nx - sk1, sk - sk1]*pk^(sk - sk1)*(1 - pk)^(nx - sk),True}}];
sa = Append[
Table[Array[pr[n, #2 - 1, #1 - 1, ups[[k]], min, max] &, {n + 1, n + 1}], {k, 1, lp - 1}],
Reverse@Array[{Boole[# - 1 >= min && # - 1 <= max]} &, n + 1]];
sa[[1]] = sa[[1, 1]];
First@(Dot @@ sa)];
multinomialRangedIP[60, N@{1/4, 1/4, 3/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/32}, 5, 20]
multinomialRanged[60, N@{1/4, 1/4, 3/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/32}, 5, 20]
Shows an over 100X speed advantage for multinomailRanged over multinomailRangedIP, again with the advantage increasing with increasing problem size. I have no idea how long Mathematica would take using native functionality - I ran out of patience...
There's certainly some optimization left in the latter code, e.g. the structure of the array has high density of zeroes, so time could probably be shaved with a custom Dot, but once it was fast enough for my needs, I left it as is.
The same technique in the latter can be applied to ranged probabilities for the multivariate hypergeometric:
hypergeometricRanged[n_, ps_, min_, max_] :=
Module[{vkseq, t, prh, sa},
vkseq = Accumulate@Prepend[ps, 0];
t = Total@ps;
sa = PadLeft[
Table[If[min <= Subtract[y, x] <= max,
With[{sk = Subtract[y, 1], sk1 = Subtract[x, 1], vk = vkseq[[z + 1]], vk1 = vkseq[[z]]},
If[(prh = Binomial[t - vk1, n - sk1]) == 0, 0,
Binomial[vk - vk1, sk - sk1] Binomial[t - vk, n - sk]/prh]],
0], {z, Length@ps - 1}, {x, n + 1}, {y, x, n + 1}]];
sa[[1]] = sa[[1, 1]];
sa = Append[sa,
Transpose[{Array[Boole[min <= n + 1 - # <= max] &, n + 1]}]];
First@(Dot @@ sa)];
On a fairly trivial example:
hypergeometricRanged[30, {20, 20, 20, 10, 5}, 2, 12]
Probability[Min[a, b, c, d, e] >= 2 && Max[a, b, c, d, e] <= 12,
{a, b, c, d, e} \[Distributed]
MultivariateHypergeometricDistribution[30, {20, 20, 20, 10, 5}]]
this was ~8500X faster, and as before, advantage grows dramatically with problem size.
N.B.: I use these in routines that call with well-formed cases, so no error checking is done - call them with really whacky things (like negative values) at your own peril (or add E/C code).