I am new to mathematica and I hope this is a simple problem. I have two identical functions that only differ by the variable names:
PolarInverseFT[f_, p_, u_, r_, t_] :=
p f Exp[-I 2 π r p Cos[u - t]], {p , 0, ∞}, {u, 0, 2 π} ]
PolarInverseFT2[f_, r_, t_, p_, u_] :=
r f Exp[-I 2 π p r Cos[t - u]], {r, 0, ∞}, {t, 0, 2 π} ]
I would expect them to behave identically. However,
PolarInverseFT[λ^2/(λ^2 + 4 π^2 p^2), p, u, r, t]
returns the error
-I Sin[2 p π r #1] is not a valid variable
PolarInverseFT2[λ^2/(λ^2 + 4 π^2 r^2), r, t, p, u]
gives the correct answer. For other f_ both can return an answer without failing, but the answers differ!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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