Consider a series like this:
$$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (c_n r^{2-n/2}+d_n r^{-n/2})$$
I want, now, to keep only the terms for which the power of $r$ is negative, i.e., the non diverging terms for $r\rightarrow\infty$, and send to zero all the c[n]
and d[n]
which correspond to a positive power of $r$.
After this, I would like to keep all the terms of the general sum that go to zero more slowly than $r^{2}$, e.g.the terms with $r^{-1}$, $r^{-1/2}$, with their respective coefficients. Notice that this can come from different $n$, so it is not enough in general to truncate the series.
How can I do this using Series
? I can't manage it.
Sum[If[2 - n/2 >= 0, 0, c[n] r^(2 - n/2)] + d[n] r^(-n/2), {n, Infinity}]
? $\endgroup$If