In $\LaTeX$, I can write something like:
Thus, we have $x = \sqrt{2}$, ...
the $ ... $, as opposed to $$ ... $$, inline the LaTeX symbols.
Now, with Mathematica, I type a line of Input, I press ShiftEnter, and it produces the answer on a different line of output. However, I would like to type something like this:
Thus, we get $c^2 - c = 1$, and solving it, we get $N[solve[c^2 - c = 1, c]]$, ...
The idea is that mathematica evaluates the command, takes the output, and inlines it into the sentence, rather than have it as a separate line.
I have no idea how to do this. From what I've read, this sounds like "cells", but from goofing around, it's not clear how to make this work.
How do I inline a mathematica expression, such that its output is displayed inline?