Mathematica on raspberry. External media access. I have a usb harddisk, which is recognized by the system, but apparently not known to Mathematica. The disk is not seen when I try to open files from inside Mathematica. But I can launch Mathematica from the files (right clicking etc). How do I make these media known inside Mathematica. Observe I am almost without experience in Linux.
1 Answer
Copy a notebook to the USB disk. Open this by double clicking. Evaluate in the notebook window the function NotebookFileName[]
. If all is well you should be able to infer the disk name from the result.
2$\begingroup$ Thank you. Very helpful. It helped med realize that it isn't a Mathematica problem. My usb-disk is only readable, not writeable. So Probably I must do some linux-handling. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 1, 2015 at 7:43
? $\endgroup$