How could I display text that flashed red for a half second or so and then reverted to black? (Or was put in bold and reverted to normal, etc.)
14$\begingroup$ You already posted 6 questions, voted only four times, and never accepted an answer as correct. Is there anything wrong with your experience in the site? $\endgroup$– Dr. belisariusCommented Jun 28, 2012 at 15:08
2$\begingroup$ Seraph, please note that the community not just expects you to ask questions but also to weigh and occasionally accept the input that you get from others. You can even accept answers for your older questions by clicking on the checkmark next to the answer you prefer. $\endgroup$– István ZacharCommented Jun 28, 2012 at 15:47
$\begingroup$ More importantly, it'd be nice to cast your vote on other people's questions, and their answers as well, if you read those posts.… $\endgroup$– SzabolcsCommented Jun 28, 2012 at 19:36
3$\begingroup$ I have gone back through my questions and marked my favorite answer for some of them. I do not check Math SE very often (a situation that is not likely to change), and when I have found a question I could answer, in each case someone has already answered it. $\endgroup$– SixWingedSeraphCommented Jun 29, 2012 at 21:29
6 Answers
PrintTemporary[Style["text", Red]]; Pause[2]; "text"
EDIT: This looks too plain in comparison to all the cool effects that can be achieved with methods used in other answers. The following is an attempt to arm-twist PrintTemporary
to perform similar tricks:
Scan[(temp = PrintTemporary[#]; Pause[.1]; NotebookDelete[temp]) &,
Style[Rotate["text", #[[1]]], Bold, 60, FontColor -> #[[2]],
FontFamily -> "SketchFlow Print"] & /@
NestList[{Plus[#[[1]], 20 Degree], Darker[#[[2]]]} &, {0 Degree,Red}, 18]]; "text"
(Note: try it in the last cell of your notebook to avoid flickering cell sizes).
By specifying different values for time
and frequencyInverse
, the behavior of flashing can be finetuned.
time = 100;
frequencyInverse = 4;
i = 0;
Dynamic@Style["TESTESTEST", Bold, RGBColor[color, 0, 0]]
RunScheduledTask[(i = i + 1; color = Rescale[Sin[i/frequencyInverse], {-1, 1}];
If[i == time, RemoveScheduledTask[ScheduledTasks[]];
color = 0]), {.01, \[Infinity]}];
(Not that the actual flashing is faster in Mathematica, the slowdown is because of exporting it to GIF.)
With Clock
time = 1; (* period length *)
iterations = 5; (* number of successive flashes *)
img1 = DensityPlot[Sin[x] Sin[y], {x, -4, 4}, {y, -3, 3},
ImageSize -> 50, Frame -> False];
img2 = DensityPlot[Sin[x] Sin[y], {x, -4, 4}, {y, -3, 3},
ColorFunction -> "SunsetColors", ImageSize -> 50, Frame -> False];
img2, (1 - Abs@Clock[{-1, 1, .1}, time, iterations])]}]
$\begingroup$ I know you can
from an animated GIF, but don't remember if you canExport[]
them $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 28, 2012 at 15:55 -
$\begingroup$ @Robert: Thanks for pointing that out! $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 28, 2012 at 16:29
$\begingroup$ @belisarius: I've cheated, so the gif no looks more like the animation in
:) $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 28, 2012 at 16:30 -
$\begingroup$ For version 7 users:
Dynamic @ Show[img1, Graphics[{Opacity[(1 - Abs @ Clock[{-1, 1, .1}, time, iterations])], img2[[1]]}]]
$\endgroup$ Commented Jun 29, 2012 at 9:52
Use Dynamic and Refresh:
FontColor -> If[Mod[Round[AbsoluteTime[]], 2] == 0, Red, Black]],
UpdateInterval -> 1]]
Style["TESTESTEST", FontColor -> Dynamic[If[Clock[] 2 - 1. > 0, Red, Black]]]
If you want it to flash only once
Style["TESTESTEST", FontColor -> Dynamic[If[Clock[{-1, 1, 1}, 1, 1] > 0, Black, Red]]]
1$\begingroup$ I prefer your codes since it is so simple. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 29, 2012 at 1:17
As a variation of answer to this question, here is an approach I used for lectures. Here are the functions Ac and Pl that either accentuate or leave the text plain:
Ac[expr_] :=
DynamicModule[{c1 = 0}, EventHandler[
If[c1 == 0,
Style[expr, Black, Plain, 22, Italic] // ExpressionCell,
Dynamic @ If[Clock[1, 0.7, 2] < .5,
Style[expr, Gray, Plain, 22, Italic] // ExpressionCell,
Style[expr, RGBColor[0.8, 0, 0], Bold, 22, Italic]] // ExpressionCell]],
{"MouseDown" :> (c1 = c1 /. {0 -> 1, 1 -> 0})}
Pl[expr_] := ExpressionCell[Style[expr, Black, Plain, 22, Italic]];
And here is an example of its application:
F = Row[{"AA" // Pl, "+BB" // Ac, "+CC" // Pl, "+DD" // Ac}]
The strings "+BB" and "+DD" are accentuated. The accentuation is shown upon the mouseclick on the corresponding elements.
It's worth pointing out that several of the other answers keep dynamically re-evaluating an expression until infinity.
Here's a solution that fades out the text gradually, and more importantly: it does not keep re-evaluating the Dynamic
expression until infinity. The third argument of Clock
(and the fact that Dynamic
is smart when handling Clock
) can be used to terminate the evaluation.
flash[expr_] :=
Dynamic[Style[expr, Blend[{Red, Black}, Clock[{0, 1}, 1, 1]]]]
(Update: I overlooked that István's original answer uses Clock
in the same way.)
1$\begingroup$ My second example uses a finite number of iterations as the third argument of
. But it is an interesting question: how to turn a dynamic expression to static after a limited number of updates... $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 28, 2012 at 21:04 -
$\begingroup$ @István You're right, I was not attentive enough. Will edit. $\endgroup$– SzabolcsCommented Jun 28, 2012 at 21:07