I plot three histograms (originating from a large Dataset ds
) in one graph
Histogram[{#"Var1" & /@ Normal[ds[Select[#"Var2" == 1 &]]],
#"Var1" & /@ Normal[ds[Select[#"Var2" == 2 &]]],
#"Var1" & /@ Normal[ds[Select[#"Var2" == Null &]]]},
{0, 50, 2} , "Frame" -> True,
"FrameLabel" -> {"performance", "counts"},
"ChartLegends" -> {"XY: test 1", "XY: test 2", "XY: unknown" },
"ChartStyle" -> {Red, Green, Blue}, "PlotLabel" -> "Test"]
and want to display the number of entries per histogram in the legend (where the XY can be seen).
But I didn't find a way to get the number of entries per histogram. Is there a function existing?