I am trying to solve a differential equation by NDSlove
for $h(x,t)$. It reads
where $V_h$ is a given function of $h(x,t)$ denoted by vdh[x_,t_]
in my code, $\lambda(t)$ is a time-dependent parameter which is determined by a definite integration.
$$\lambda(t)=-\frac{1}{L}\int_0^L V_h dx$$ In addition, $h(x,t)$ subjects to simple periodic boundary condition and initial condition, which is defined on the periodic interval $[0,L]$, see my code.
First, Defining constants, function vdh[x_,t_]
and $\lambda(t)$
ClearAll[x, t]
amp = 5787/1000;
tmax = 1000;
L = 20;
vdh[x_?NumericQ, t_?NumericQ] := 1/(1 + h[x, t]) - h[x, t] + Log[h[x, t]/(1 + h[x, t])];
\[Lambda][t_Real] := -(1/L)*NIntegrate[vdh[x, t], {x, 0, L}];
Then, the main part
myfunel = First[h /. NDSolve[{
D[h[x, t], t] == D[h[x, t], {x, 2}] - vdh[x, t] - \[Lambda][t],
h[0, t] == h[L, t],
Derivative[1, 0][h][0, t] == Derivative[1, 0][h][L, t],
Derivative[2, 0][h][0, t] == Derivative[2, 0][h][L, t],
h[x, 0] == 1 + 1/Sqrt[2*\[Pi]]*Exp[-((x - 10)^2/2)],
WhenEvent[h[L/2, t] >= amp, "StopIntegration"]},
h, {x, 0, L}, {t, 0, tmax},
Method -> {"MethodOfLines",
"SpatialDiscretization" -> {"TensorProductGrid",
"MinPoints" -> 101, "MaxPoints" -> 101,
"DifferenceOrder" -> 4}}, AccuracyGoal -> 20,
WorkingPrecision -> MachinePrecision, StepMonitor :> Print[t]]]
Which dose not work. NDSolve
prompts a mass of errors, such as:
NIntegrate::inumr: "The integrand 1-h[x,y,t]-h[x,y,t]/(1+h[x,y,t])+Log[h[x,y,t]/(1+h[x,y,t])] has evaluated to non-numerical values for all sampling points in the region with boundaries {{0,20},{0,20}}."
Note 1: In every time step, I want to determine $\lambda(t) $ numerically using \[Lambda][t_Real]
, where lies the problem. It is well known that when NDSolve
uses (N)Integrate
internally, we will suffer from such kind of difficult very often. However, the equation I want to solve contain parameter $\lambda(t)$ found by integrating a function of the intermediate solution of my NDSlove
. Fortunately, the NIntegrate
does not involve t
variable, which can be regarded as the average value of ${dV \over dh}$. I believe this point causes these problems. I'm not sure whether I have some other mistakes.
Note 2: I also need to see the evolution of the following function:
f[t_] := NIntegrate[h[x, t]^2 + 1/2*(D[h[x, t], x])^2, {x, 0, L}]
Plot[Evaluate[f[t]/.myfunel], {t, 0, tstop}, PlotRange -> All]
where tstop
is the stop moment of the main part. I have used WhenEvent
to stop my integration, but how to get the stop time in my main part rather than check StepMonitor :> Print[t]
after its stop?
Note 3: I also tried LaplaceTransform
, but it is obvious that this equation does nto has a closed form solution, like this problem
Any ideas? Also any suggestion for code improvements is more than welcome!