I think I've found the guilty : this is PlotTheme
Since the problem seems to only occur when "plot" functions are involved, for example here :
Manipulate[Grid[{{RandomReal[10]}, {Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}]}}], {a, 1, 3}]
Manipulate[Grid[{{RandomReal[10]}, {ListPlot[Range[10]]}}], {a, 1, 3}]
Grid[{{RandomReal[10]}, {ParametricPlot[{Cos[t], Sin[t]}, {t, 0, Pi}]}}], {a, 1, 3}]
but not in other cases, in particular when other type of graphics are used, like here :
Manipulate[Grid[{{RandomReal[10]}, {RandomReal[10]}}], {a, 1, 3}]
Manipulate[Grid[{{RandomReal[10]}, {Graphics[Disk[]]}}], {a, 1, 3}]
and as there is no problem with version 9, and since PlotTheme
was introduced in version 10, I just tested PlotTheme->None
, and the problem disappears.
For example :
Grid[{{RandomReal[10]}, {Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotTheme -> None]}}], {a, 1, 3}]