Mathematica can not solve this:
g = 9.82;
ω = 0.5;
h = 5;
y0 = 1;
v = 0;
τ = 0;
NSolve[h + v t - (g t^2)/2 == y0 Sin[ω t], t];
The error code is:
NSolve::nsmet: This system cannot be solved with the methods available to NSolve.
Any suggestions how to solve this equation ?
I need to calculate when and where the jumping ball and sinusoidal ground will collide. For the first one we know it is falling like:
h = h0 + v0 t - g t^2 / 2
For the ground we know it is moving as:
y = y0 Sin(omega t)
If we calculate h = y
, extract t
we get the time of the collision.
Finally I need to plot the movement of the ball and the points of collision versus real time.
FindRoot[h + v t - (g t^2)/2 == y0 Sin[\[Omega] t], {t, 0}]
$\endgroup$NSolve[h + v t - (g t^2)/2 == y0 Sin[\[Omega] t], t, Reals]
. $\endgroup$