Is there a tidy way to create a list of the indices of elements of a list that meet specified conditions?
This method gets the job done, but it's clumsy and not conducive to nesting:
x = RandomReal[1, 100];
t = {};
Do[If[x[[i]] < .2, t = Join[t, {i}]], {i, Length[x]}];
(* {13, 24, 31, 32, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 57, 65, 70, 75, 76, 81, 87, 97} *)
Position almost does what I want, but it annoyingly returns a list of lists instead of a list of indices:
Position[x, _?(# < .2 &)]
(* {{5}, {14}, {16}, {19}, {22}, {24}, {28}, {42}, {43}, {45}, {50}, \ {51}, {54}, {58}, {63}, {72}, {86}, {91}, {98}} *)
This prevents me from being able to use the output of Position as a list of indices. So this fails:
x = RandomReal[1,100];
y = RandomReal[1,Length[x]];
tt = Position[x, _?(# < .2 &)];
I am also kind of curious, WHY does MMa so often give results in that irritating "list of lists" format above?
documentation page.Position[x, _?(# < .2 &)]
. $\endgroup$Position
:SparseArray[UnitStep[x - 0.2], Automatic, 1]["AdjacencyLists"]
. More examples found within: $\endgroup$