I want to include a figure in a paper I am writing on Combinatorial Geometry which features a non-convex polyhedron given by the following vertices,
EDIT: I was unaware that Mathematica could convert coordinates from spherical to Cartesian, so I will post the correct spherical coordinates as follows:
{{0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {1, Pi/3, 0}, {1, Pi/3, ArcCos[1/3]},
{1, Pi/3, 2 ArcCos[1/3]}, {1, Pi/3, 3 ArcCos[1/3]},
{1, Pi/3, 4 ArcCos[1/3]}, {1, (2 Pi)/3, (ArcCos[1/3])/2},
{1, (2 Pi)/3, (3 ArcCos[1/3])/2}, {1, (2 Pi)/3, (5 ArcCos[1/3])/2},
{1, (2 Pi)/3, (7 ArcCos[1/3])/2}, {1, (2 Pi)/3, (9 ArcCos[1/3])/2}, {1, Pi, 0}}
Does anyone know how I can generate such a figure using Mathematica? I assume I will need to also somehow define which vertices are connected by an edge with a list, but I am unsure how I would do that as well. I have tried using the "Computational Geometry Package", and have been reading through the tutorial for about an hour, but I have no idea what a "vertex adjacency list" is or how I could make this work in 3-dimensions; the package tutorial seems to only comment on triangulations in the plane, etc.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
EDIT: I will attempt to describe this non-convex polyhedron and include pictures and a figure. I will quote from my paper:
The inspiration for constructing a simplicial 3-complex $\mathcal{K}$ for which 12 tetrahedra touch at a vertex comes from the configuration of 4 tetrahedra sharing an edge; see Figure 3. Let $v_{0}=(0,0,0)$ be the origin and connect the two vertices $v_{1}=(1,0,0)$ and $v_{12} = (-1,0,0)$ to $v_{0}$ by an edge. Label these edges as $e(v_{0}v_{1})$ and $e(v_{0}v_{12})$ and notice that their union forms a straight line of length 2 in $\mathbb{E}^3$. Around each of these edges we arrange four tetrahedra as in Figure 3, and we rotate the cluster of four tetrahedra sharing edge $e(v_{0}v_{12})$ by $\pi/6$ in order to ensure that an extra four tetrahedra will fit in between the two clusters of 4 tetrahedra (explained in more detail later). Considering the vertices of these tetrahedra, we obtain a point set $P$ (with $|P|=12$) where the minimum distance which can occur any of the points is of unit length.
Figure 3: in the context of my paper, this figure shows that at most 4 tetrahedra can share an edge with conditions I impose. If you imagine one of the tetrahedra removed so that there is a bigger space, these are the "clusters of 4 tetrahedra" I described above.
(The bonus question was solved, thank you Mr. Wizard.)
BONUS: If anyone knows how to check with Mathematica if all of the points are at least a distance of 1 away from each other that would be very helpful.
Map[# >= 1 &, Outer[EuclideanDistance, N[pts, 20], N[pts, 20], 1], {2}]
has a good amount of off-diagonalFalse
entries... $\endgroup$Outer
test many duplicates that way? $\endgroup$Map[]
just checks your criterion. $\endgroup$