Update: The option LabelingSize
provides a convenient way to size the images.
images = ExampleData[{"TestImage", #}] & /@ {"Lena", "Elaine", "Mandrill"};
is = 60;
bs = .2;
BarChart[Thread[Labeled[{1, 2, 3}, images, Below]],
BarSpacing -> bs, LabelingSize -> is (1 - bs), ImageSize -> 1 -> is]
With is = 120
and bs = .3
we get:
Original answer:
images = ExampleData[{"TestImage", #}] & /@ {"Lena", "Elaine", "Mandrill"};
BarChart[{1, 2, 3}, ChartLabels ->
Placed[Thumbnail[#, Tiny] & /@ images, Axis, Panel[#, FrameMargins -> 0] &]]
Alternatively, you could use Magnify
instead of Thumbnail
BarChart[{1, 2, 3},
ChartLabels -> Placed[images, Axis, Framed[Magnify[#, .3], FrameStyle -> None] &]]
Few more alternatives that produce similar pictures:
BarChart[{1, 2, 3}, ChartLabels -> (Framed[Magnify[#, .3], FrameStyle->None] & /@ images)]
BarChart[{1, 2, 3}, ChartLabels -> Placed[Pane[Magnify[#, .1]] & /@ images, Axis]]
BarChart[{1, 2, 3}, ChartLabels->Placed[Framed[Magnify[#, .3],
FrameStyle -> None]& /@ images, Axis]]