The built-in function PairwiseScatterPlot
has been discussed for example here: Scatterplots for subsets of multivariate data [Updated].
However, I find it not very informative to plot the identity function along the diagonal of the matrix of plots: do you guys know how to plot a more informative histogram instead? Also, it is superfluous to plot the entries above the diagonal.
Here is an example:
data = RandomReal[MultinormalDistribution[{0, 0, 0}, {{1, 1/2, -2/3}, {1/2, 5, 2}, {-2/3, 2, 20}}], 10^3];
PairwiseScatterPlot[data, DataTicks -> Automatic, DataLabels -> {"var1", "var2", "var3"}]
UPDATE: I have improved the code a user wrote as a possible solution (unfortunately that user deleted that entry). Basically I have fixed a bug and the labels. Here is what it does:
pspF3 = With[{dt = #, ca = ConstantArray[Null, {#, #} &@Dimensions[#][[2]]],
opts = Sequence[AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True]},
GraphicsGrid[ReplacePart[ca, {{i_, i_} :> Histogram[dt[[All, i]], Automatic, "PDF", opts,
If[i == Dimensions[dt][[2]], FrameLabel -> {"var" <> ToString[i], None}, FrameLabel -> None],
PlotRange -> All, Ticks -> Automatic],
{i_, j_} /; i > j :> ListPlot[dt[[All, {j, i}]], opts,
Which[i == Dimensions[dt][[2]] && j > 1, FrameLabel -> {{None, None}, {"var" <> ToString[j], None}}, i == Dimensions[dt][[2]] && j == 1, FrameLabel -> {{"var" <> ToString[i], None}, {"var" <> ToString[j], None}}, i > 1 && j == 1, FrameLabel -> {{"var" <> ToString[i], None}, {None, None}}, i > j, FrameLabel -> {None, None}],
RotateLabel -> True,PlotRange -> All]}], ImageSize -> 600]] &;
However, the ticks are not aligned and the labels of the ticks are repeated when not necessary (they should appear only at the very bottom and on the left). Also, the size of the various frames is not constant and ideally there should not be gaps. PairwiseScatterPlot
does all this automatically. Can you improve on this solution?
. Reproduce the six off-diagonal plots usingListPlot
, and useHistogram
or whatever else you like for the three diagonal plots. $\endgroup$