I know this is too an elementary question, but I am a pathetic newbie in mathematica and I cannot find any answer by googling.
What I want is obtaining some relations of unknown variables using their restrictions, which are given by
\begin{equation} \sum_{k}A_{ik}A_{jk}=0, \qquad A_{ij}=-A_{ji} \end{equation} where $(i,j,k)$ are from 1 to 6. These are, of course, represented as matrix forms by \begin{equation} AA^T=0, \qquad A^T=-A. \end{equation} And I need to obtain some relations of $A_{ij}$'s, e.g., $A_{25}A_{15}+A_{45}A_{35}$, from these matrix equation. Thank you for your advise.