
(someone may want to mark it as a duplicate, but I still have to ask! I just can't figure out why!)

skinks = {56, 19, 28, 18, 24, 14, 9};
kskinks = 7;

myBBBlik[data_, kdata_, f0_?NumericQ, p_?NumericQ, w_?NumericQ, alpha_?NumericQ, beta_?NumericQ] :=

    {K, fj, pj, loglik},
    K = kdata;
    fj = Prepend[PadRight[data, K], f0];
    pj = Table[
        PDF[MixtureDistribution[{w, 1 - w}, {BinomialDistribution[K, p], 
        BetaBinomialDistribution[alpha, beta, K]}], j],
        {j, 0, K}
    loglik = LogGamma[Tr[fj] + 1] - Tr[LogGamma[fj + 1]] + Tr[fj*Log[pj]];

pars = {f0,p,w,allpha,beta};
cons = {f0 > 0 && 0 < p < 1 && 0 < w < 1 && alpha > 0 && beta > 0};
cons2 = {f0 > 0 , 0 < p < 1 , 0 < w < 1 , alpha > 0 , beta > 0};

NMaximize[{myBBBlik[skinks, kskinks, Sequence @@ pars], cons}, pars, Method -> {"RandomSearch", "SearchPoints" -> Automatic}]

Note that it may crash your kernel!

If you take out the line Print[loglik];, it will give your the correct answer. Works perfect. However, if you leave it in and it may crash your kernel, but you will see something (unbelievable && unexpected) like this: enter image description here

Why does it even call the function myBBBlik? Values like -717.752 and -360.232 are long way from 0. These would not considered when you have alpha>0,beta>0. This is just really something I don't understand the way MMA works.

I am using MMA 10.0.2 X64 (win)

  • $\begingroup$ But usually, when the function returns a none-(real) numeric value, NMaximize warns me that the function is not a numeric value (or something like that). Why in this case, it does not? $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 24, 2014 at 20:54
  • $\begingroup$ I'm not sure about that. It looks like NMinimize is using Quiet internally. Probably this is a bug, but seemingly a minor one. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 24, 2014 at 23:26

1 Answer 1


Transferring my comment into an answer, because too many questions answered in comments makes for an untidy site...

It's because NMinimize handles constraints through pre- and post-processing, but the optimization algorithms it employs are basically all unconstrained methods. So, given that these have no awareness of the constraints specified and in any case are not set up to avoid producing unfeasible candidate points, one can expect that the objective function may be evaluated for some points outside the feasible region.

If this is a problem, one can rewrite the objective function to tolerate such inputs, e.g. by returning a poor result when given unsuitable values. Or, to stay strictly within the feasible region at the cost of possibly not finding the minimum, one may use (undocumented) method "NonlinearInteriorPoint". Normally, this method is used anyway with constrained problems, as it serves to "polish" the result produced by another algorithm--i.e., to move it into the feasible region, if the penalty function applied to the objective function was not enough to do so by itself. (Writing a good penalty function automatically is not an easy thing to do.)

  • $\begingroup$ Can you give an example of how to use the "NonlinearInteriorPoint" method? I.e., what is the syntax for this function? $\endgroup$
    – Felix
    Commented Oct 7, 2016 at 15:50
  • $\begingroup$ @Felix: Method -> "NonlinearInteriorPoint" $\endgroup$ Commented May 9, 2018 at 16:05

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