fixed in 10.1 (windows)
I just experience a problem in prepending columns to a dataset. I did this a hundred times in - no problems. Now it seems as if it is only possible to append/prepend one column at a time.
dataset = Dataset[{
<|"a" -> 1, "b" -> "x", "c" -> {1}|>,
<|"a" -> 2, "b" -> "y", "c" -> {2, 3}|>,
<|"a" -> 3, "b" -> "z", "c" -> {3}|>,
<|"a" -> 4, "b" -> "x", "c" -> {4, 5}|>,
<|"a" -> 5, "b" -> "y", "c" -> {5, 6, 7}|>,
<|"a" -> 6, "b" -> "z", "c" -> {}|>}]
Prepend[#, "First" -> "one"] & /@ dataset
works fine, but
Prepend[#, {"First" -> "one", "Second" -> "two"}] & /@ dataset
gives an error message:
Expression of the form Prepend[SkeletonForm[Struct[{a, b, c}, {Atom[Integer], Atom[String], Vector[Atom[Integer], AnyLength]}], {weakEval2[First -> one], weakEval2[Second -> two]}]] cannot be evaluated.
Can anyone give me a hint, if I´m doing wrong (but it worked fine ´til yesterday wen came....)
tag. $\endgroup$