I've decided to be a bit ornery and render the spiral of Theodorus in an anticlockwise fashion for this answer, for reasons I'll explain later.
The following is similar to what Michael did in his answer to a related question:
polys = NestList[With[{hyp = Delete[#[[1]], 2]},
Polygon[Append[hyp, Last[hyp] - Normalize[Cross[Subtract @@ hyp]]]]] &,
Polygon[N[{{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}}, 20]], 15];
Graphics[{Directive[EdgeForm[Black], FaceForm[None]], polys}]
If labels are wanted,
Graphics[{Directive[EdgeForm[Black], FaceForm[None]], polys,
polys /. Polygon[pts_] :> Text["1", 1.1 Mean[Rest[pts]]],
Mean[First[#1]]] &, polys],
Text[DisplayForm[SqrtBox["17"]], Mean[Delete[polys[[-1, 1]], 2]],
{-3, -1}]]}]
Extra credit
(You don't need to read the rest if you're not interested in special functions.)
Philip Davis, in his book, considered the problem of continuously interpolating the points of the spiral of Theodorus, when treated as points in the complex plane. (This is similar to the problem of continuously interpolating $n!$, for which the gamma function $\Gamma(z+1)$ is a particular solution.) With some help from Walter Gautschi, he was able to derive the required function $T(\alpha)$. Here is a Mathematica implementation:
TheodorusT[α_?NumericQ] := 1 /; α == 0;
TheodorusT[α_?NumericQ] := With[{β = FractionalPart[α]}, If[β == 0, 1, TheodorusT[β]]
Product[1 + I/Sqrt[β + j], {j, 1, IntegerPart[α]}]] /;
α >= 1 && Precision[α] < ∞
TheodorusT[α_?NumericQ] := With[{f = Sqrt[1 + α]}, f/(I + f) TheodorusT[1 + α]] /;
-1 <= α < 0 && Precision[α] < ∞;
TheodorusT[α_?NumericQ] := With[{f = Sqrt[-α - 1]}, (f + I)/(f - I) TheodorusT[-α - 2]] /;
α < -1 && Precision[α] < ∞;
TheodorusT[α_?NumericQ] :=
Sqrt[1 + α] Exp[I NIntegrate[DawsonF[Sqrt[t]]/(Exp[t] - 1) (1 - Exp[-α t])/t, {t, 0, ∞},
Method -> "DoubleExponential",
WorkingPrecision -> Precision[α]]/Sqrt[π]] /;
0 < α < 1 && Precision[α] < ∞
Here's a plot:
ParametricPlot[Through[{Re, Im}[TheodorusT[α]]], {α, -1, 19}, Axes -> None, Frame -> True]
Display with the discrete version:
Show[%, Graphics[{Directive[EdgeForm[Black], FaceForm[None]], polys}]]
Finally, here's the extended spiral:
ParametricPlot[Through[{Re, Im}[TheodorusT[α]]], {α, -18, 19}, Axes -> None, Frame -> True]
ParametricPlot[Sqrt[t] {Cos[t], Sin[t]}, {t, 1, 10}]
? $\endgroup$