When I execute this
Grid[{{x, x}, {SpanFromAbove, x}, {SpanFromAbove, x}},
ItemSize -> {{Automatic},
{Automatic, {1 -> Scaled[0.2], 2 -> Scaled[0.4], 3 -> Scaled[0.4]}}},
Frame -> All,
Alignment -> {Center, Center}, Spacings -> {{2}, {1}}]
I get an extremely tall grid instead of a normal height grid. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Version 10.0.1 Win8.1 64bit
This just keeps getting worse. I am have used a Pane
as some have suggested that the grid needs a sized container for it to work with Scaled
. I get back a truncated grid. This is really baffling. Any ideas how to get this to work.
Grid[{{x, x}, {SpanFromAbove, x}, {SpanFromAbove, x}},
ItemSize -> {{{Scaled[0.5]}},
{Automatic, {1 -> Scaled[0.2], 2 -> Scaled[0.4], 3 -> Scaled[0.4]}}},
Frame -> All, Alignment -> {Center, Center}, Spacings -> {{1}, {1}}],
ImageSize -> {432, 216}]
It gives a cut off grid. ??? I can just make out the top of the "x" in the first column. It shouldn't be this difficult to have a grid a prescribed size and scale some rows within it. I must be doing something wrong.
with something with set size,Scaled
will refer to WindowSize. $\endgroup$Pane
and that will work? $\endgroup$Item
height not width. specx here is{Automatic}
and it is width of items. But for specy he set explicitly1->Scaled[.4]
etc. what means "first row heigth 40% of enclosing region. $\endgroup$Scaled
takes something different into account:Framed["x", ImageSize -> {Scaled@1, Scaled@1}]