Faking 3D with 2D tracking data is something that I've long wanted to implement for use with my front facing laptop camera. A first step to solving this would be dynamically setting the viewpoint according to the movement of your head.
To clarify, I'm looking for an answer like the code I'm giving below. The reason I ask is because there were a number of problems with my own solution:
- The method used is not sensitive enough
- It is far too slow
- Not robust to background movement
So a real answer to this question might use some fancy bit of machine vision, or interface with opencv face tracking libraries, or something else entirely. Here is a video of this technique applied sucessfully: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7saRtCUgbNI
ClusterMean[x_, 0, _] := Mean[x];
ClusterMean[{x_}, n_, frac_] := x;
ClusterMean[x_, n_, frac_] :=
With[{m = Mean[x], sd = StandardDeviation[x]},
With[{x2 = Select[x, Norm[Norm[# - m]/sd] < frac &]},
If[x2 == {}, Mean[x], ClusterMean[x2, n - 1, frac]]]];
$ytrim = $xtrim = {1, All};
SmallCurrentImage[] := ImageTake[CurrentImage[], $ytrim, $xtrim];
$first = SmallCurrentImage[];
FaceOffset[center : {_, _}] :=
Module[{mean, img1, img2, matches}, mean = {0, 0};
img1 = $first;
$currentimage = img2 = SmallCurrentImage[];
$matches = matches = ImageCorrespondingPoints[img1, img2];
mean = MapThread[Subtract, matches];
If[mean == {}, center, ClusterMean[mean, 1, 0.8]]
center = {0, 0}; center2 = {0, 0}; $first = SmallCurrentImage[];
If[CurrentValue["MouseOver"], center = FaceOffset[center];
center2 = center2*0.5 + center*0.5;];
ViewPoint ->
Refresh[5*Normalize[Prepend[-center2/80, -1]],
TrackedSymbols :> {center}], SphericalRegion -> True,
RotationAction -> "Clip"],
None], {Show[$currentimage,
Graphics[{Red, MapThread[Line[{#1, #2}] &, $matches]}]],
Button["Reset View", ($first = SmallCurrentImage[];
center2 = {0, 0};), Appearance -> "Palette",
ImageSize -> Automatic]}, {Left, {Bottom, Right}}],
TrackedSymbols :> {center}]]