Suppose I have a very long string which is a11 element of matrix
a11=2*gopsv-2*Bgopsvw+2*acgmops*v+2*cgmopsv*B-2*acgmopsvB+3*gmopsvB-3*BgmopsvwB+m*w2*B +5*acgm2 +opsvB -ac*m2*w2*B +cgm2*opsvB* - 3*acgmopsv+c*m2-w2*B-acm2-w**2*B....)
etc that goes on for almost 1000 lines. When exported to a .txt file, the file is >100MB. I want to use the expression in Fortan and Fortan will not accept lines greater than 100 characters or so.
To the string x, is it possible to insert a linebreak every 100 characters and insert && at the end of each line and at the beginning of the next line?
i want to do it over the full matrix. it is like first i want to convert matrix elements into FortranForm along with showing them with linebreak character